November Theme-Gratitude

Click for November’s theme, GRATITUDE.

November. The theme: gratitude. It comes in all sizes. It need not be eloquent. It can be spoken or unspoken. Shared or kept quietly to one’s self. It can be written down or prayed or merely noted.

Maybe it is age but each day seems to bring about an ever-increasing attitude of gratitude. Even on days that are filled with an awareness of the gravity of our failing earth and failing humanity, gratitude cannot be crowded out. Each moment carrying within it the potential for gratitude.

Gratitude: for candles holding the light in a power outage. And for the absolute silence that accompanied the outage. For the fiery tips of the maple leaves. For the glimpse of the raptor riding the wind high above. For foraging for chanterelles. For the fullness of the rain’s return. For a feather found. For the hug requested by a 5 year old. For a night wrapped in flannel sheets and the woodstove’s warmth on my friends houseboat. For the tears I see on the faces of those in worship. And for the hands or arms of comfort offered. For the sure and steady return to health of those who have had health crises. For those who keep our world from total collapse through their faithfulness and discipline of meditation and prayer. For laughter and the chance to play and be silly. For poetry first thing in the morning. For what is created when a group gives itself to imagination. For the way the sanctuary holds both memories and possibilities when it sits “empty.” For a sense of Mystery. For a cold glass of water. For the nuzzling up of the dog on the couch. For warmth and shelter and food and clean water and a partner and employment and transportation and relative health and dear friends and family.

And you?

November. Tis the season- for gratitude…

Rev. Lo