

A Chalice Challenge: Find the chalice hidden in this newsletter (inside the text of one of the articles). Click on it, record your name on the resulting Google doc, and you will be entered to win a special little gift from Rev. Dan Lillie.
Photo by Valerriia Harbuz from pexels

In This Issue:

New Member Bios
WUUC Postcard/Letter Writers Do Their Part to Get Out the Vote & Defeat I-2117
Children's Religious Education (RE)
Rev. Dan's Sabbatical
WUUC December Holiday Happenings
Justice & Service Monthly Collection
Music Circle
Fall Back
Meditation: Election Edition
Super Seniors Potluck
Circle Lunch
Pop-Up Blood Drive
Monday Morning Sister Circle
Nonfiction Book Club
Annual Auction
Harmony for Hope
Golden Girls Lunch
Men's Breakfast
Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events
Online Feedback & Suggestion Form

Got comments on or questions about this newsletter? Please email office@wuuc.org

November 2024 Soul Matters Theme: Repair

Passage from Soul Matters November 2024 Theme:
Welcome to the Practice of Repair. When the cracks come, who doesn’t desire - even demand - to restore what once was? Nothing is more human. We all long to reverse the ...

New Member Bios: Tracye Hirasawa, Karrie Meyer & Jonathan Koepennel

On Sunday, October 13 we welcomed new members Tracye Hirasawa (with Hanna), Karrie Meyer & Jonathan Koppenol (with Livia & Theo), Ben Lu, Toren Koppenol, and Marilyn Schmitt to our congregation. Over the November and December newsletters we will be inputting Bio's for each of our new members. We hope you will read these new member bios and welcome them!

Our November newlsetter will contain bios for Tracye Hirasawa and Karrie Meyer and Jonathan Koppennel. We will save the bios of Ben Lu, Marilyn Schimtt and Toren Koppenol for the December newsletter.

WUUC Postcard and Letter Writers Do Their Part to Get Out the Vote and Defeat I-2117

WUUC volunteers were working on two fronts this fall writing letters and postcards to Get Out the Vote in key swing states and to help defeat I-2117. Initiative 2117 is on the Washington State ballot this fall and, if passed, would repeal the State's Climate Commitment Act- landmark climate legislation passed by the State Legislature two years ago. WUUC volunteers …
WUUC Postcard and Letter Writers Do Their Part to Get Out the Vote and Defeat I-2117

Children's Religious Education (RE) Update

Children's Religious Education (RE) Update
Children’s Religious Education (RE) Update
You may have noticed the numbers of children on Sunday mornings continuing to grow! We now have 17 children registered for RE from ages 2-16 years old.
If you have not already done so, please register your children, ages 0-17, to help us plan: WUUC RE Registration Form
Volunteers Needed
With the growth in children on Sunday mornings, we have split our previously one classroom into two so that activities can be age appropriate. With two adult volunteers required in each room every Sunday, we are stretched even more thin. Please consider taking on one of the three volunteer roles we now have:
  1. Back-up volunteer – someone who would not regularly help, but is willing to be scheduled and available to step in as a warm body if someone unexpectedly can’t make it.
  2. Assistant teacher – someone who regularly helps in the classroom, but does not do the prep work.
  3. Lead teacher – someone who regularly reviews the Soul Matters lesson for that week, prepares materials, and leads classroom activities.
Please email office@wuuc.org if you are interested or have any questions.

Rev. Dan's Sabbatical

Rev. Dan will be on sabbatical from November 25, 2024 to March 25, 2025. For the most up to date information about this sabbatical go to this link on our website.

December Holiday Happenings at WUUC

Planning is underway for the many December Holiday Happenings at WUUC this year – some familiar and beloved, some new!

We will be decorating the church and our Giving Tree in early December. Activities planned for December are: crafting and gift shopping for the children, cookie exchange, social justice gifting project, Solstice Labyrinth on 12/21, pancakes/egg brunch after the Sunday service on 12/22, singing of favorite holiday carols before the Christmas Eve service on 12/24, Burning Bowl Sunday service on 12/29.
If you are interested in volunteering to help for any of these, please contact either Jan Radoslovich or Donna Johnson

We will be sending out communication re: details/dates/times on all the above December activities during the last week in November. Be looking for it!

Justice & Service Monthly Collection

This month’s collection helps fund the Na'ah Illahee Fund which supports and promotes the leadership of Indigenous women in the ongoing regeneration of Indigenous communities in the Pacific Northwest. Their work addresses climate and environmental justice, food security and food sovereignty, civic participation, youth leadership, and advancing regenerative economies from a personal to systemic level. The Na’ah Illahee Fund serves as a …
Justice & Service Monthly Collection: October 2024

Music Circle - Saturday, November 2

Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun with music-minded WUUC folk.

GenXYZ Night - Saturday, November 2

An opportunity for pre-retirement age adults to get together to socialize. Our next GenXYZ night will happen on Saturday, November 2 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. It will be Halloween/Fall themed. We will already have celebrated Halloween, but we can all still enjoy bobbing for apples, bowling with pumpkins, eating candy, and the like. Feel free to come in costume if you're so inclined. This is a potluck style event, bringing salads, fresh fruit, and desserts would be most helpful. We'll have vegan and omnivore options.
GenXYZ Night
Please let us know that you plan to attend by signing up at the link here.

Fall Back - November 3 at 2:00 a.m.

It’s that time of year again, time to turn back the clock. That means darker afternoons but brighter mornings and an extra hour of sleep next Saturday! Make sure you set your clock the night before because starting on Sunday, November 3rd at 2 a.m. the clocks go back an hour. If you do end up forgetting to set your clocks don’t worry! You can join our special 9:00 a.m. Pre-Election Day Meditation in the Library.

Pre-Election Day & Election Day Mediation:
- Sunday, November 3 & Tuesday, November 5

Janet Putnam and the Tuesday meditation group will be offering two special editions of mediation, in view of the intense feelings around the upcoming election, one on Sunday, November 3rd in the library, and the other on Election Day, November 5th in the Sanctuary, both at 9:00 a.m.

In both sessions we will do 20 minutes of guided meditation, followed by walking meditation, followed by another 20 minutes of guided meditation. After that we will break for tea, chocolate, and a shared reading.

Super Seniors Potluck
- Wednesday, November 6

Super Seniors Potluck (s)
- Dottie Simpson
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every first Wednesday of the month for a potluck at 12:00 p.m. at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love for you to join us for good food and good chatting. Questions? Contact Dottie Simpson at dottie9212@gmail.com

Circle Lunch - Saturday, November 9

Circle Supper is turning into Circle Lunch! We’ve switched to lunch for this month to try to accommodate people for whom night time driving is a problem or who just don’t want to stay up and/or eat late in the evening. Sign up now for Circle Supper to be hosted by Tevina and Jane Flood on Saturday, November 9 from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Find the link to the signup sheet sent out via the announce email list or email tevina.flood@gmail.com.
Circle Lunch (os)
If you've never been before keep reading...

Pop-Up Blood Drive

- Monday - Wednesday, November 11 - 13

'Tis the season for giving thanks. So, GIVE THANKS BY GIVING BLOOD!
WUUC will be hosting 3 blood drives in November. Here are the details:
Monday, November 11th click here.
Tuesday, November 12th click here.
Wednesday, November 13th click here.

Please be a donor if you can. You can make an appointment above. Let Dewey Millar know if you have questions or need assistance (contact info on realm).

Monday Morning Sister Circle - November 11

- Dottie Simpson
Monday Morning Sister Circle is a WUUC group which has met every second Monday from 10:00 - 12:00 p.m. We are a group of women who meet in the WUUC Library to discuss a person of interest or an essay every month. We have recently discussed women philosophers, women of action, NPR essays, spiritual essays, etc. The group is open to any woman at WUUC and we would love to have any interested woman join us. If you have any questions/would like to join Contact Dottie at <dottie9212@gmail.com>.
Morning Sister Circle [L,Z]

Nonfiction Book Club - Friday, November 15

WUUC Nonfiction Book Club
Hello Readers! Please join the WUUC Nonfiction Book Club for a discussion of The Light Eaters on Friday, November 15 at 6:00 p.m. Cora and David Goss-Grubbs will host us at their home in Cottage Lake and Liz Ligon will lead the discussion. To RSVP, please add your name and intended contribution to the potluck meal here. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions or would like to recommend a future read, please reach out to Lindsay Rogers (Lindsay.Rogers@outlook.com).

Annual Auction - Saturday, November 16

The annual auction is the largest fundraiser of the year where we auction community connections hosted by our members & tangible goods.

Themed dinners, hikes, art classes, games nights, special events, homemade/handmade food/arts & crafts, gift baskets/certificates, and some singular items. Whatever people want to share with others – now is your chance! Complete the donation form here

The silent auction catalog comes out on Thursday, November 14 and closes Sunday, November 17.

The BIG EASY Live Auction Celebration is Saturday November 16! Even if you don’t want to take part in the live auction element, this event is the BEST WUUC PARTY OF THE YEAR!

Harmony for Hope Concert - Romantic Winds - Sunday, November 17

The first Harmony for Hope program of Orca Concerts' eighth season will be on Sunday, November 17 at 7:00 p.m. and is a tour of the Romantic Era - early (Beethoven), middle (Farrenc), and late (Rimsky-Korsakov).

Three pieces for Piano and Winds will be performed by the "dazzling" Mark Salman on piano, Seattle Symphony musicians Mark Robbins and Paul Rafanelli, PNB Oboist Dan Williams, in-demand Flutist Susan Telford, and Metropolitan Opera Clarinetist Sean Osborn. It will be an evening of vast expression!
Proceeds from this concert will benefit the Maltby Food Bank. orcaconcerts.org, maltbyfoodbank.org
We would love to have volunteers help setup for the concert after Sunday service! If you have any questions, contact Janet Putnam at oboejanet@gmail.com.

Golden Girls Lunch - Thursday, November 21

Golden Girls Lunch (os)
- Stephana Ditzler
All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, November 21 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 - 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An RSVP request will be sent out closer to the date. Looking forward to seeing you all! Questions? Contact Stephana Ditzler, ditzlers@gmail.com

Men's Breakfast - Saturday, November 23

- Brad Hull
Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday, at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about guy stuff. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning.
Information/RSVP: Brad Hull, bkhull@gmail.com
Men's Breakfast [of]

Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events

Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events
Dear WUUC, The pandemic has been hard on all of us. Engaging with our shared community is more important than ever. To that end, we encourage all folks who plan, develop, or coordinate WUUC events to carefully consider including people who may not be able to participate in person by offering hybrid or online options whenever possible. Training and/or help with setting up virtual/hybrid events is available. Please contact May Killorin, Office Administrator, for assistance.

Your Board of Trustees

WUUC Online Feedback & Suggestion Form

Dear Community, WUUC is committed to providing the best experience possible for all our congregation members, friends, and visitors. We encourage you to participate in our continuous improvement by submitting constructive suggestions regarding our church, our services, or even our website. Tell us your questions, comments, or concerns. Your feedback is a valuable part of our program. What can we do to grow and become a stronger and more welcoming faith community? Appreciation and positive feedback are also very valuable … What’s working well for you? What do you like about WUUC? Your suggestion will be reviewed promptly and considered for possible further action. You may use this link to submit your suggestion online. Anonymous feedback is permitted.

Feedback and Suggestion Form: https://forms.gle/mWgNNyma7DizrQ8K7

Alternatively, you may send your suggestion in an email directly to the Board at board@wuuc.org. Thank you for your input.
In Community,
WUUC Board

Seeking connections?

WUUC offers numerous opportunities to get to know one another, delve more deeply into spiritual topics or just gather for song or conversation. If you're seeking connections, the first place to try is here.
Seeking connections?

November Calendar: wuuc.org/calendar

Numerous Zoom & in person meetings are held each week, including opportunities to grow our spirits and opportunities to connect for fun and entertainment. Please check the calendar link above for the schedule. Contact office@wuuc.org or your facilitator if you need the Zoom link to a meeting.


We get the list Birthdays from the realm database. Please make sure your birthday is updated on the database so we don't miss you. If you don't want to display your birthday let May know by emailing office@wuuc.org.
George Eddy - November 1
Michael Lawson - November 1
Leslie Schmidt - November 1
Dewey Millar - November 3
Julie Anderson - November 6
Jim Jasinkski - November 9
Kathy Fosnaugh - November 12
Roy Heinz - November 13
Marian Johnson - November 14
David Blomberg - November 22
Chick Sweeney - November 28
Grace Simons - November 29


11/03 - Cultivating Resilient Hearts

Cultivating Resilient Hearts
By Reverend Dan Lillie

As we approach election day, emotions are running high. What can we do to cultivate resilient hearts?

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

11/10 - Now What?

Now What?
By Reverends Dan Lillie & Grace Simons

Now that the election is over, what lies ahead? Join Rev. Grace and Rev. Dan as they (and we) consider our path forward.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

11/17 - The Best Laid Plans…

The Best Laid Plans…
By Sabbatical Team

Rev. Dan will be going on his sabbatical soon, and the Sabbatical Team has been hard at work planning and preparing. Come learn about the coverage plan while Rev. Dan is away, and rest assured that you'll be in good hands.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

11/20 - Transgender Day of Remembrance (Vespers Service) at 6 p.m.

Transgender Day of Remembrance (Vespers Service) at 6 p.m.
By Reverend Dan Lillie

Join us for this vespers (evening) service as we honor the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost this year to anti-transgender violence.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

11/24 - Send-off Sunday

Send-off Sunday
By Reverend Dan Lillie

On the last day before leaving on sabbatical, Rev. Dan will share his own plans for what he hopes to do (and not do) during his time away, and we'll send him off with our blessing.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
facebook website 
WUUC Facebook and SoundCloud Account