A Chalice Challenge: Find the chalice hidden inside one of the articles in this newsletter. Click on it, record your name on the resulting Google doc, and you will be entered to win a special little gift from Rev. Dan Lillie.
Photo by Eva Bronzini from Pexels
Follow-Up to Rev. Vandiver's 1/26 Service
New Rummage Sale Lead Needed
Vote for ASJ organizations
Lunar New Year Celebration
Monday Morning Sister Circle
Relationship and Resolutions Team Workshop: Full Spectrum Listening
Post-Potluck All-Ages Drum Circle
Nonfiction Book Club (in March)
Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events
Online Feedback & Suggestion Form
Got comments on or questions about this newsletter? Please email office@wuuc.org
February 2024 Soul Matters Theme: Inclusion
Passage from Soul Matters February 2025 Theme:
Welcome to the Practice of Inclusion You hardly knew how hungry you were to be gathered in, to receive the welcome that invited you to enter entirely...
Follow-Up to Rev. Vandiver’s 1/26 Service
UUSC = Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
UUCSJ = Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice
A small part of Rev. Vandiver’s service was information about Washington being seen as a sanctuary state by transgender and other folks who are being targeted by recent political threats. She said that people have contacted her for support, including help with temporary or transitional shelter for them and asked if anyone in our congregation could help with RVs, campers, housing or hotel points. If you are interested in helping, the first step is to fill out a volunteer form found at bit.ly/uucsj-volunteer-sign-up.This form is sponsored by the UUSC and UUCSJ and their partners. Information will not be shared with any other entities. If you have questions, contact Grace Simons, who will try to help.
New Rummage Sale Lead Needed
Our annual rummage sale is coming up April 11-12. The rummage sale is our second largest fund raiser for the church. I have been the lead for far too long and I am stepping down. Dewey Millar has been my trusted partner and he is also stepping down. Running the sale is really pretty simple; we have been doing this quite awhile and have it pretty well organized. I will be available to walk you through the steps and will continue to work the week of the sale (sale prep) and during the sale. Dewey will also be available to share what he has done for the sale. Please reach out with any questions.
Leslie Morton, retiring Rummage Sale Queen
2024 Holiday Activities
Early last fall, a WUUC Holiday Planning Team came together with the goal of building community through meaningful holiday activities and events, especially those that would welcome families.
Here are the highlights of the 2024 holiday season: Postcards mailed to all friends and members with the key events that would happen between Thanksgiving and the New Year Children’s gifting fair, …
At least 50 WUC members and friends volunteered to make these holiday events successful. Our deep thanks go out to all of you.
WUUC Holiday team co-chairs,
Donna Johnson and Jan Radoslovitch
PS We will be talking about what worked, what didn’t work and what we would like to do better in the coming months. Please let us know your thoughts about our holiday events this year. Also, we will be starting to plan next year‘s events sometime in the late summer or early fall. Please let us know if you would like to be part of the Holiday Planning team at WUUC.
Totes to Go Update
The Totes program is completely dependent on our members and friends in supporting 15 students at Maywood Hills school in Bothell. These students are at risk of missing meals on the weekends when school meals aren’t available. Many thanks to all of you who have contributed food items for these children. Special kudos to our “scheduled donors” who have promised to bring needed items each month. You are the backbone of our program! I’d also like to thank the folks who have helped me pack our supplies into my car. In the past two months, these include Hilarie Cash, Tevina, Sebastian and Sinjin Flood, and Hudson Lyman.
Please watch for the “we still need” messages that come out around the 20th of the month. We had a few more gaps than usual for the February delivery. Donations may be left in the baskets across from the kitchen.
Questions or comments can be brought to John Hartman or Grace Simons, co-coordinators.
The Advocates for Social Justice have created a survey with a curated list of non-profit organizations that YOU can vote on to be recipients of our monthly ASJ Special Collections for the next year. You can vote for your favorite 10 (out of 20) organizations.
Please follow the QR below to see more details and vote:
Justice & Service Monthly Collection - Sunday, February 16
The ASJ Committee thanks WUUC members and friends for their generous support of our monthly special collections, which take place during services on the third Sunday of every month (February 16th).
Instructions for giving are posted during the service, and you can also donate anytime at onrealm.org/wuuc/-/give/now, or by sending a check to WUUC at P.O. Box 111, Woodinville, WA 98072. Please make checks out to WUUC and write “ASJ Special Collection” in the notes. Visit wuuc.org/collection.
Music Circle - Saturday, February 1
Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun with music-minded WUUC folk.
Lunar New Year - Sunday, February 2
Join us for Lunar new year celebration at WUUC from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 2. We will have a traditional “Lion Dance” at 1:30 p.m. and some snacks. We are excited for you to join us in celebrating this dynamic year of the Wood Snake!
Super Seniors Potluck - Wednesday, February 5
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every first Wednesday of the month for a potluck at 12:00 p.m. at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love for you to join us for good food and good chatting. Questions? Contact Dottie Simpson at dottie9212@gmail.com
Circle Lunch - Saturday, February 8
Circle Supper is turning into Circle Lunch! This month Arianna Bryan will host on February 8 at 12:00 p.m.
Find the link to the signup sheet here.
We’ve switched to lunch for this month to try to accommodate people for whom night time driving is a problem or who just don’t want to stay up and/or eat late in the evening.
If you've never been before keep reading...
Membership Classes - Sunday, February 9
This short-form class is a crash course covering UUism in general as well as church and community structure at WUUC. Pre-registration is required. Newly joined members or regulars are welcome to attend. If you are interested in attending, please talk to Kate Smith, Ann Lu, or Marcia Sprang.
The class will be held at Katherine Smith’s house on Sunday, February 9 & March 16 from 12:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Monday Morning Sister Circle - February 10
- Dottie Simpson Monday Morning Sister Circle is a WUUC group which has met every second Monday from 10:00 - 12:00 p.m. We are a group of women who meet in the WUUC Library to discuss a person of interest or an essay every month. We have recently discussed women philosophers, women of action, NPR essays, spiritual essays, etc. The group is open to any woman at WUUC and we would love to have any interested woman join us. If you have any questions/would like to join Contact Dottie at <dottie9212@gmail.com>.
Relationships and Resolutions Team Workshop: Full Spectrum Listening - Sunday, February 16
Have you ever felt really listened to? As if the other person really “got” what you were trying to say? R&R will be holding a workshop on Sunday, Feb 16, starting at 11:45 a.m. after service to share the techniques of Full Spectrum Listening.
The workshop will start in the Library.
This workshop will be limited to 25 participants.
Men's Breakfast - Saturday, February 22
- Brad Hull Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday, at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about guy stuff. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning. Information/RSVP: Brad Hull, bkhull@gmail.com
Post-Service Potluck - Sunday, February 23
A potluck in the sanctuary on the 4th Sunday of each month.
For those with limited transportation, a potluck just after service is much easier to manage than a special trip to someone’s home like with our circle suppers and lunches.
Post-Potluck All-Ages Drum Circle - Sunday, February 23
Come at 12:30 on the 4th Sunday of the month and get into the flow of some seriously joyful rhythm-making at the far side of the Sanctuary. A variety of hand drums will be provided, but you are beyond welcome to bring your own. There will also be small percussion provided—shakers, tambourines, even a cowbell. You needn't have drummed before! For more information, call Barbara Brachtl.
Golden Girls Lunch - Thursday, February 27
- Stephana Ditzler All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, February 27 at 11:30 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 - 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An RSVP request will be sent out closer to the date. Looking forward to seeing you all! Questions? Contact Stephana Ditzler, ditzlers@gmail.com
WUUC Nonfiction Book Club
- Saturday, March 8
Hello Readers! Please join the WUUC Nonfiction Book Club for a discussion of The Woman Behind the New Deal by Kirstin Downey. Saturday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m. Steph Young will host us at her home. To RSVP, please add your name and intended contribution to the potluck meal here. We hope to see you there! If you have any questions or would like to recommend a future read, please reach out to Lindsay Rogers (Lindsay.Rogers@outlook.com).
Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events
Dear WUUC, The pandemic has been hard on all of us. Engaging with our shared community is more important than ever. To that end, we encourage all folks who plan, develop, or coordinate WUUC events to carefully consider including people who may not be able to participate in person by offering hybrid or online options whenever possible. Training and/or help with setting up virtual/hybrid events is available. Please contact May Killorin, Office Administrator, for assistance.
WUUC Online Feedback & Suggestion Form
Dear Community, WUUC is committed to providing the best experience possible for all our congregation members, friends, and visitors. We encourage you to participate in our continuous improvement by submitting constructive suggestions regarding our church, our services, or even our website. Tell us your questions, comments, or concerns. Your feedback is a valuable part of our program. What can we do to grow and become a stronger and more welcoming faith community? Appreciation and positive feedback are also very valuable … What’s working well for you? What do you like about WUUC? Your suggestion will be reviewed promptly and considered for possible further action. You may use this link to submit your suggestion online. Anonymous feedback is permitted.
Alternatively, you may send your suggestion in an email directly to the Board at board@wuuc.org. Thank you for your input.
Seeking connections?
WUUC offers numerous opportunities to get to know one another, delve more deeply into spiritual topics or just gather for song or conversation. If you're seeking connections, the first place to try is here.
Numerous Zoom & in person meetings are held each week, including opportunities to grow our spirits and opportunities to connect for fun and entertainment. Please check the calendar link above for the schedule. Contact office@wuuc.org or your facilitator if you need the Zoom link to a meeting.
We get the list Birthdays from the realm database. Please make sure your birthday is updated on the database so we don't miss you. If you don't want to display your birthday email office@wuuc.org.
Natalie Kuo-Lillie - February 5
Xander Hopkins - February 11
Hillary Muchinsky - February 12
Duncan Green - February 14
Bruce Sherry - February 16
Barabra Brachtl - February 17
David Goss-Grubbs - February 22
Larry Bridges - February 26
2/2 - Imbolc
Join Rachel Eddy in the earth based Imbolc service at WUUC.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
2/9 - Love
My Funny Valentine: Valentine’s Day is this Friday. What better time to talk about love, what it means, how we get it and give it and how it makes a difference.
Reverend Grace Simons is Minister Emerita of the UU Fellowship of Stanislaus County (CA), and also served High Country UU Fellowship in Frisco, CO. Before beginning her ministry, Grace was a Peace Corps Volunteer and long time Jr High Science teacher and track coach. Grace has served as a UU Ministers Association coach and as a member of the Pacific Northwest District’s Transition Team. She preaches occasionally and served the Evergreen UU Congregation during a period of crisis. She and her husband David have two adult children and four grandchildren. Grace coordinates the Totes to Go program here at the church, sings in the choir and generally tries to be helpful.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
2/16 - Speaking Truth to Power: Responsible Social Action in an Era of Disrespect
Honoring Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde for the caring and courage reflected in her 21 January sermon before the National Prayer Service at the National Cathedral in Washington DC.
Steve Jung is a member of WUUC who serves on the Worship Team and Finance Committee and has recently joined the Eco Connections group and the Lay Pastoral Associates. He has been a Unitarian Universalist for almost 50 years, with a recent stopover, on Orcas Island, as an Episcopalian. He and his wife Susan McBain are retired and live in a senior independent living community in Woodinville.
His topic for the 16 February service is Speaking Truth to Power: Responsible Social Action in an Era of Disrespect. His homily is based on a recent sermon by Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde on unity, mercy and love delivered at a National Prayer Service on 21 January at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. He will discuss things that WUUC members can do to honor Bishop Budde and to follow her example in speaking out against hate and division.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
2/23 - Belonging and Fitting In
Fitting in and belonging are like Yin and Yang within a community. They have to coexist in balance. Sometimes one might be more important than the other. But they are not the same. Let's explore these two ideas, how they relate to each other, and how they coexist in our WUUC community.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
WUUC Facebook and SoundCloud Accounts