

A Chalice Challenge: Find the chalice hidden in this newsletter (not the one above). Click on it, record your name on the resulting Google doc, and you will be entered to win a special little gift from Rev. Dan Lillie.
Last Rose of Spring by Arianna Bryan
Garden Lotus Patch by Arianna Bryan

New Member Bios for Theresa & Dave Guenther, Jaime Holt & Thea & Kai

We welcomed multiple new members to our church (listed below). The June & July 2024 newsletters will both feature bios from our new members so our community can read and welcome these wonderful people to our community at WUUC.

Welcome the new members: Michael Ervick, Sonia Hoglander, Emily Kuo-Lillie and Natalie, Theresa and Dave Guenther, Jaimie Holt and Thea and Kai, Bonnie Kotzer Theresa and Dave …

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WUUC Supports Gathering of the Eagles Canoe Journey

- Carol Taylor
Members of WUUC spent an amazing weekend supporting this annual indigenous event sponsored by the Lummi Nation. We were part of the kitchen crew prepping and serving meals for participants in the Lummi longhouse. It was inspiring to form new relationships, deepen existing friendships, and participate in ceremonial gatherings. I personally returned home touched with a new sense of calm that has remained with …

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WUUC shows up for Woodinville Pride

- Carol Taylor
WUUC members showed up to support the annual Woodinville Pride event during June Pride month. After her child came out, a local mother spearheaded the first annual Woodinville Pride event at DeYoung Park in 2022. Local residents had a vision of seeing more LGBTQIA+ events on the Eastside for those less willing (or unable) to attend larger events in the city. The organizers believe that our …

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Office Closed - Monday, July 15 - 22

The office will be closed from Monday, July 15 to Monday, July 22. Building use and Weekly events will continue unless canceled by the group leader. If you are planning an event during this time, please plan ahead to coordinate with staff.

July 2024 Justice & Service
Monthly Collection

Justice & Service Monthly Collection July 2024
This month’s collection helps support the Northwest Abortion Access Fund serving Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. Trained, compassionate volunteer advocates run our toll-free helpline. They help people pay for their abortion care by sending funding directly to the clinic. They also help people get to and from the clinic and make sure people traveling for care have a safe place to …

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WUUC's 2024 Summer Campout
- Thursday, July 25 - Sunday, July 28

- Jack Brand
WUUC's Summer campout is this month!

WUUC's 2024 Summer campout! It's almost time to go camping with WUUC! The campout is the last weekend in July, at Deception Pass State Park. Did you not make a reservation? There may still be campsites available! Contact Jack Brand if you are interested, at jackbrand@gmail.com. The campout is the longest-running activity at WUUC. It's a great weekend getaway, for people and families of all stripes, and includes campfires, a potluck, book discussion, games, hikes, music, swimming, beach walks, and of course lots of informal hang-out time with your WUUC campers, in one of the most beautiful state parks in Washington.

See you there!

An Invitation to a Structured Dialogue with R&R - Sunday, August 4

An Invitation
You’re invited to participate in a Structured Dialogue offered by R&R after the service at 12:00 p.m. on August 4th! The UU General Assembly that just ended resulted in a decision about Article II of the Association’s by-laws that has been controversial among us. R&R hopes that a Structured Dialogue will bring us to a better understanding about what experiences led us to our opinion and what importance it has for us. Lunch will be provided. You need to sign up ahead. We can include up to 20 people in this session. If more are interested, we’ll try to arrange another session.

Look for signup information on WUUC’s Announce list soon.
Questions or concerns? Contact R&R: Dave Blomberg, Hilarie Cash, Lori McConnell & Grace Simons. Jane Flood is away.

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An Evening with Lifelong Climate Activist Bill McKibben - Tuesday, July 2

WUUC's Eco Connection Task Force is sponsoring a watch party at Ditzler Hall at 7:00 p.m. on July 2. Bill McKibben- long time climate activist- will be speaking at the United Methodist Church in Seattle. We will be sharing the evening via Zoom. Bill will give a call to action to inspire and motivate attendees to take stepped-up action on climate and democracy, especially in the face of intensified climate disruption, political polarization and backlash, and our democracy in peril. His talk will be followed by a Q & A. Here's more information about …

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Super Seniors Potluck - Wednesday, July 3

Super Seniors Potluck (s)
- Dottie Simpson
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every first Wednesday of the month for a potluck at 12:00 p.m. at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love for you to join us for good food and good chatting. Questions? Contact Dottie Simpson at dottie9212@gmail.com

Music Circle - Saturday, July 6

Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun with music-minded WUUC folk.

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Music Circle

Game Gathering - Saturday, July 6

Game Gathering
We're going to have our first Game Gathering on Saturday, July 6th at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We had almost two dozen people reply with interest in playing games, cards, or puzzles, and this is the date that seems to work for the largest number of respondents. We'd love to have lots of people show up. We’ll have puzzles and decks of cards on-hand. We’ll have some games on-hand, but you are also welcome to bring your own. We expect to be there for around 3 hours, so it’s okay if you can’t make it right on time or can’t stay the entire time.

Special Emergency July Blood Drives

BloodWorks has asked us to host a couple of additional last minute emergency blood drives. Current blood supplies are very low - see here.
WUUC has agreed to host 2 drives
- Monday, July 8 & Friday, July 12. Please be a donor if you can. appointments can be made below

Monday - click here
Friday - click here
Many thanks for contributing to this vital community service. Let Dewey Millar know if you have questions or need help.
Special Emergency July Blood Drives

Monday Morning Sister Circle - July 8

Morning Sister Circle [L,Z]
- Dottie Simpson
Monday Morning Sister Circle is a WUUC group which has met every second Monday from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We are a group of women who meet in the WUUC Library to discuss a person of interest or an essay every month. We have recently discussed women of action and philosophers, NPR essays, spiritual essays, etc. The group is open to any woman at WUUC and we would love to have you join us. If you have any questions Contact Dottie at <dottie9212@gmail.com>.

Starting Point July 2024

- Mondays, July 8, 15, 22, 29

A 4 week small group at WUUC that is for anyone in the congregation. It will be held 4 consecutive Mondays, starting on July 8th from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. over Zoom with the last meeting on July 29 in person. More details here. Please use this link to register for our 4 week starting point group. Facilitated by Pamela Denchfield and Ann Lu. Learn about Unitarian Universalism and how UUs live their values, meet fellow seekers and members of the community, explore your own religious history and spiritual needs. Part of our Inclusive Membership Pathway.

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Starting Point July 2024

2024-2025 Church Event Calendaring Meeting - Tuesday, July 9

2024-2025 Church Event Calendaring Meeting
2024-2025 Church Event Calendaring Meeting Date: Tuesday, July 9th, 2024 Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PDT Location: Zoom Meeting
Click to get Zoom Link here. or email office@wuuc.org.
Suggested Participants: Board Members, Ministry Leads, Committee Chairs, Team Leads, WUUC Minister & Staff, interested members/friends. Recorder: May Killorin, Office Admin

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Circle Lunch - Saturday, July 14

Circle Supper is turning into Circle Lunch on a Sunday for July! Sign up for Circle Lunch to be hosted by Cora and David Goss-Grubbs. Cora and David say, "Families with kids encouraged to attend! Come right after church to this lake party with options for boating and swimming - bring your swimsuits and floaties!" For the signup sheet and more information find the event on our calendar at wuuc.org/calender. If you've never been before keep reading...

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Circle Lunch (os)

GenXYZ Night - Saturday, July 20

GenXYZ Night
An opportunity for pre-retirement age adults to get together to socialize. Our next GenXYZ night will happen on Saturday, July 20 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Regardless of your circumstances, if you're Gen X, Y, or Z, we'd love to have you come to our next gathering in the Church's Ditzler Hall, Dinner is provided.

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Golden Girls Lunch - Thursday, July 25

- Stephana Ditzler
All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, July 25 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 - 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An RSVP request will be sent out closer to the date. Looking forward to seeing you all! Questions? Contact Stephana Ditzler, ditzlers@gmail.com
Golden Girls Lunch (os)

WUUC's 2024 Summer Campout
- Thursday, July 25 - Sunday, July 28

- Jack Brand
The campout is the last weekend in July, at Deception Pass State Park. Did you not make a reservation? There may still be campsites available! Contact Jack Brand if you are interested, at jackbrand@gmail.com. The campout is the longest-running activity at WUUC. It's a great weekend getaway, for people and families of all stripes, and includes campfires, a potluck, book discussion, games, hikes, music, swimming, beach walks, and of course lots of informal hang-out time with your WUUC campers, in one of the most beautiful state parks in Washington.

See you there!

WUUC Nonfiction Book Club

WUUC Nonfiction Book Club
The WUUC Nonfiction Book Club welcomes you to join in a lively discussion of our latest selection, See No Stranger by Valarie Kaur. We’ll meet Friday, July 26th at 7:00 p.m. during the Summer Campout at Deception Pass at Pamela and Chris Denchfield’s site #172. Please add your RSVP here. Thank you to Pamela and Chris for hosting and leading the discussion.

If you have any questions or would like to recommend a future read, please reach out to Lindsay Rogers (Lindsay.Rogers@outlook.com).

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Men's Breakfast - Saturday, July 27

- Brad Hull
Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday, at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about guy stuff. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning. Information/RSVP: Brad Hull, bkhull@gmail.com
Men's Breakfast [of]

Post-Service Potluck - Sunday, July 28

Post-Service Potluck [s]
A potluck in the sanctuary on the 4th Sunday of each month. You may be asking why we should go back to doing these when we already have the monthly Circle Supper potlucks. There are several reasons. Circle Suppers have limited seats available, they aren't family friendly, they are not necessarily conveniently located, and, for much of the year, they …

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Post-Potluck All-Ages Drum Circle
- Sunday, July 28

- Barbara Brachtl
Come join us on Sunday, July 28 at 12:30 p.m. or drift over from the potluck and get into the flow of some seriously joyful rhythm-making at the far side of the Sanctuary. A variety of hand drums will be provided, but you are beyond welcome to bring your own. There will also be small percussion provided. You needn't have drummed before! If you are an instrumentalist and would like to jam against a heavy drum rhythm, bring your instrument. Information: Barbara Brachtl, bjbrachtl@gmail.com
Post-Potluck All-Ages Drum Circle

Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events

Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events
Dear WUUC, The pandemic has been hard on all of us. Engaging with our shared community is more important than ever. To that end, we encourage all folks who plan, develop, or coordinate WUUC events to carefully consider including people who may not be able to participate in person by offering hybrid or online options whenever possible. Training and/or help with setting up virtual/hybrid events is available. Please contact May Killorin, Office Administrator, for assistance.

Your Board of Trustees

WUUC Online Feedback & Suggestion Form

Dear Community, WUUC is committed to providing the best experience possible for all our congregation members, friends, and visitors. We encourage you to participate in our continuous improvement by submitting constructive suggestions regarding our church, our services, or even our website. Tell us your questions, comments, or concerns. Your feedback is a valuable part of our program. What can we do to grow and become a stronger and more welcoming faith community? Appreciation and positive feedback are also very valuable … What’s working well for you? What do you like about WUUC? Your suggestion will be reviewed promptly and considered for possible further action. You may use this link to submit your suggestion online. Anonymous feedback is permitted.

Feedback and Suggestion Form: https://forms.gle/mWgNNyma7DizrQ8K7

Alternatively, you may send your suggestion in an email directly to the Board at board@wuuc.org. Thank you for your input.
In Community,
WUUC Board

Seeking connections?

WUUC offers numerous opportunities to get to know one another, delve more deeply into spiritual topics or just gather for song or conversation. If you're seeking connections, the first place to try is here.
Seeking connections?

July Calendar: https://wuuc.org/calendar/

Numerous Zoom & in person meetings are held each week, including opportunities to grow our spirits and opportunities to connect for fun and entertainment. Please check the calendar link above for the schedule. Contact office@wuuc.org or your facilitator if you need the Zoom link to a meeting.


We get the list Birthdays from the WUUC realm database. Please make sure your birthday is updated on the database so we don't miss you. If you don't want to display your birthday let May know by emailing office@wuuc.org.
Darby Rogers - July 1
Kate Smith - July 2
Gary Soliday - July 7
David Simons - July 8
Emma Rockenbeck - July 12
Lisa Yost - July 16
Tom Richards - July 16
Rachel Eddy - July 17
Jordan Priest - July 22
Eric Muchinsky - July 23
Lanny Commeree - July 28
Abel Mietzner - July 30
Sinjin Flood - July 30
Lauren Soliday - July 31


07/07 - Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals
- Reverend Dan Lillie

Friendships take many forms, and our connections to our animal friends can be as deep, powerful, and loving as our human-to-human bonds. Today we celebrate the animal companions who bring out the best of our humanity.
The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

07/14 - Poetry Group Service

Poetry Group Service
- Pamela Denchfield and others

Hear inspired works from sages, activists, first-time poets, dreamers, scribes, and lovers of the spoken word. Celebrate the themes and forms explored by WUUC Poetry Group in the last year. In addition to metaphor, ghost stories, somatic writing, and works inspired by Lucille Clifton, we dipped into the poetry forms known as the golden shovel, limerick, mondo, novem, ottava rima, and sestina. Kick back, relax, and give your ears a treat with lovingly packaged words from folks you know, and some you might not as our group includes many from the wider community. Emceed by Pamela Denchfield, co-leader of the group along with friend of the church, Meriaten Long.
The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

07/21 - GA2024 Report from WUUC Delegates

GA2024 Report from WUUC Delegates
- GA delegates: Pam Green, Winny Schnitzler, Dottie Simpson

"Now the work of all of us is to begin - Can we lead with love; can we make space for all of us so we can move forward together? "
The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782


- Rachel Eddy

Join us along with WUUC member Rachel Eddy, as we celebrate the Earth-Based Ritual of Lughnasadh.
The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
facebook website 
WUUC Facebook and SoundCloud Accounts
Comments or questions about this newsletter? Email office@wuuc.org