

A Chalice Challenge: Find the chalice hidden in this newsletter (not the one above). Click on it, record your name on the resulting Google doc, and you will be entered to win a special little gift from Rev. Dan Lillie.
Image by Ben Scherjon from Pixabay
In This Issue:

In Memory of Carol Pitman
February Updates from WUUC Board
Call for General Assembly Delegates
ASJ Monthly Collections Survey
Justice & Service Monthly Collection
Our Whole Lives for grades 10-12
Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program
Ditzler Hall Dedication and Celebration - January 21, 2024
January Pop-Up Blood Drive Results
Music Circle
Super Seniors Potluck
WUUC Congregational Town Hall
2nd Tuesday TED Talk
GenXYZ Night
Circle Supper
Golden Girls
Men's Breakfast
Post-Service Potluck
Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration
Interfaith Choir Festival
Men's Retreat
Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events
Online Feedback & Suggestion Form

Got comments on or questions about this newsletter? Please email office@wuuc.org

February 2024 Soul Matters Theme

Passage from Soul Matters February 2024 Theme:
Welcome to the Gift of Justice & Equity Here we go again. Another injustice. Even more inequity exposed. So much pain. So many issues. So little equality. And so, so many people with certainty. I wish I had it. Don’t you? The crystal-clear clarity of who’s right and who’s wrong. Every aspect of …

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In Memory of Carol Pitman

In Memory of Carol Pitman
In July 2022, we ran this article of Carol Pitman's reflection on her career. Carol passed away this month. "The ultimate source of spiritual and transcendental experiences Teaching music has resulted in many unspoken rewards for me. However, I always kept in the back of my mind, what a L.A. teacher once wrote in the L.A. Times. She said, “Get your …

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February Updates from your WUUC Board of Trustees

Even through this past holiday season, Board members have been working on several important governance items. Here are some highlights of our work:
  • We completed and submitted to the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee (MFC) our Evaluator Form for Rev. Dan’s 3rd and final Preliminary Fellowship year. We partnered with Rev. Dan in evaluating seven areas of ministry: worship and rites of...
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Call for WUUC Delegates to 2024 Virtual General Assembly

Call for WUUC Delegates to 2024 Virtual General Assembly
This year’s all virtual UUA General Assembly (GA) will be held June 20-23rd.  WUUC will have 3 members serve as delegates for discussion and voting during GA General Sessions. Delegates must register for GA to vote on business and agenda items. At the 2024 Virtual GA, delegates will cast votes on qualified amendments and whether to adopt the proposed new version of …

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ASJ Monthly Collections Survey

ASJ Monthly Collections Survey

Each month your Advocates for Social Justice (ASJ) team arranges a collection for a non-profit organization working for change in our communities. We look for groups that intersect across more than one justice area where possible (e.g., climate AND poverty, racial AND reproductive) and of a size where our relatively small contribution can make a meaningful difference. Can you take a minute to complete this brief survey to help us select our organizations for the coming year?
Survey Link: https://forms.gle/yWWayMb84tqwS2YH9

Justice & Service Monthly Collection

Justice & Service Monthly Collection
The Advocates for Social Justice (ASJ) special collection for February will support the Citizen's Climate Lobby – Eastside Chapter. “CCL empowers everyday people to work together on climate policy. Our chapters help build support in Congress for a national bipartisan solution to climate change. Globally, we support international chapters on six continents.” We will hear from a local CCL representative in our monthly Justice Service on Sunday, February 18th.

The ASJ Committee thanks to WUUC members and friends for their generous support of our monthly special collections, which take place during services on the third Sunday of every month. Instructions for giving are...

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Our Whole Lives (OWL) for grades 10-12

WUUC and Northlake UU will soon be offering the Our Whole Lives sexuality curriculum for grades 10-12. Please contact Jack Brand for more info. 206 683-5149 jackbrand@gmail.com

Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program

Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program
If you shop at Fred Meyer, you can support donations to WUUC through their Community Rewards Program. To participate in the program, you need to register your Fred Meyer loyalty card and designate WUUC as your non-profit of choice. You must re-designate WUUC as your community rewards partner every June to keep participating. Fred Meyer doesn’t donate a particular percentage of what you spend. Instead, the company has set aside a set amount per quarter, to be divided amongst...

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Ditzler Hall Dedication and Celebration – January 21, 2024

The first service was held in our finished church building on September 7th, 2003. Bob Ditzler, founding member of WUUC and general contractor for the church building, dedicated 2 years of his life to the building of this church.

From May, 2002 to September, 2003 he worked all week with his professional crew, then he greeted his weekend volunteer crew of church members/friends and other people who came to help with the building of the church, with bear hugs, assignments, instructions and his patient supervision. On that opening day over 20 years ago, Bob said: …

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Ditzler Hall Dedication and Celebration – January 21, 2024
Photos taken by Jeff Lu

Pop-Up Blood Drive Results January 22 - 24

Thank you for your time and support to make this drive a success! We registered 131 donors and collected 123 units of blood! This included an amazing 11 first time donors.

Having new donors join us at each blood drive helps us to build a more stable donor base. We hope that both the new, and dedicated donors will give again.

We look forward to returning to WUUC again for the March 25-27 blood drives. Currently there are 41 donors booked! G
o to: WUUC Blood Donation to book an Appointments

Music Circle - Saturday, February 3

Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun with music-minded WUUC folk.
Music Circle

Super Seniors Potluck - Wednesday February 7

Super Seniors Potluck (s)
- Dottie Simpson
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every 1st Wed of the month for a potluck lunch at noon at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love to have you join us for good food and good chatting.
Questions? Contact Dottie Simpson at dottie9212@gmail.com

Town Hall - Sunday, February 11

On Sunday, February 11, a Town Hall will be held immediately after the service regarding the proposed 24-25 WUUC budget. WUUC Treasurer Kermit Sprang will present the budget and answer questions. In advance of the Town Hall a summary of the budget will be sent out on the “Announce” email list. More detailed information regarding the budget will be supplied on request.

Monday Morning Sister Circle - February 12

Morning Sister Circle [L,Z]
- Dottie Simpson
Monday Morning Sister Circle is a WUUC group which has met every second Monday (10-12). We are a group of women who meet (via zoom right now) to discuss a person of interest or an essay of interest every month. We have recently discussed women philosophers, women of action, NPR essays, spiritual essays, etc. The group is open to any woman at WUUC and we would love to have any interested woman join us. If you have any questions/would like to join Contact Dottie at <dottie9212@gmail.com>.

2nd Tuesday TED Talk - Tuesday, February 13

TED Talk Tuesday (s&z)
On the second Tuesday of each month, we’ll watch a TED Talk together and then discuss it afterwards. The next one will be over Zoom on Tuesday, February 13, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. This month, we’ll be viewing and discussing:
Karen Faith: How to talk to the worst parts of yourself. Then we’ll engage in a facilitated discussion about it.
These events will alternate between being in-person and virtual. Here is the schedule of upcoming talks...

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GenXYZ Night - Saturday, February 17

An opportunity for pre-retirement age adults to get together to socialize. If you’re Gen X or Y, we’d love to have you come to our next get together in the church sanctuary starting at 4:00 p.m. and running until 7:00 p.m. (or whenever the crowd breaks up). Dinner is provided.

Please sign up here so we know you’re coming.
GenXYZ Night

Circle Supper - Saturday, February 17

Circle Lunch (os)
February's Circle Supper will be hosted by Arianna Bryan on Saturday, February 17 at 6:00 p.m. Circle Supper's are potlucks held at a different community member’s house each month. There is a sign-up sheet sent out via the announce email list, and here. Anyone who wants to attend can put their name down along with dietary preferences and what they are bringing.
If you've never been to a Circle Supper before and want to know more details before signing up, please keep reading...

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Golden Girls Lunch - Thursday, February 22

- Stephana Ditzler
All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, February 22nd, for lunch and fine conversion at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 - 166th Ave NE, Redmond. The time is 11:30. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. Watch for the RSVP request closer to the date. Looking forward to seeing you all! Questions? Email Stephana at ditzlers@gmail.com
Golden Girls Lunch (os)

Men's Breakfast - Saturday, February 24

Men's Breakfast [of]
- Brad Hull
Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday, at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about guy stuff. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning.
Information/RSVP: Brad Hull, bkhull@gmail.com

Let's Connect - Saturday, February 24

- Stewardship Committee

The WUUC annual stewardship program is on the horizon and we’re kicking it off with a grand party hosted by Kathy Fosnough and Lanny Commeree at their home in Kenmore on Saturday, February 24 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Please join us in celebrating what makes WUUC a wonderful place to be and why we pledge our financial support every year. WUUC is 100% funded by membership so it is important we all contribute as best we can.

All are welcome to join us on Saturday, February 24 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Undoubtedly your friends will be there too!

Post-Service Potluck - Sunday, February 25

A potluck in WUUC Ditzler Hall on the 4th Sunday of each month.
For those with limited transportation, a potluck just after service is much easier to manage than a special trip to someone's home like with our circle suppers and lunches.

Please send me thoughts and questions to Tevina Flood: tevina.flood@gmail.com
Post-Service Potluck [s]

Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration
- Sunday, February 25

Join us for Lunar new year celebration at WUUC! We will have a Lion Dance and food. Jamie Holt will lead this celebration.

The event will include a traditional “Lion Dance” at 1:00 p.m.

Interfaith Choir Festival
- Sunday, February 25

Interfaith Choir Festival
Join us for a harmonious celebration of community and music at the upcoming Cottage Lake Interfaith Partners (CLIP) Choir Festival on Sunday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m.
WUUC and Edmonds UUC Choirs will be performing together as well as many local choruses in the Cottage Lake area. Adding to the musical enchantment will be our choir director Matt Smith’s vocal a cappella ensemble the Emerald City Voices.

Be prepared to be swept away as all participating choirs come together at the end in a crescendo of voices, singing of Randal Thompson’s Alleluia! This promises to be a most wonderful musical experience, so please come and witness the magic of collaboration and celebrate the joy of singing with us at this extraordinary choir gathering! Bear Creek United Methodist Church: 16530 Avondale Rd NE, Woodinville


Men's Retreat - Friday - Sunday April 26 - 28

Men's retreat will be held on April 26-28 at Mountain Springs Pines Lodge in the town of Plain, 14 miles north of Leavenworth. About 20 of us will spend 2 nights in a big comfortable lodge enjoying the mountain atmosphere and each other's company.
Further news about the Retreat will be sent via the men's list (men@wuuc.org). If you wish to receive further information about the Retreat, you will want to be on that list please send a note to Brad Hull (bhull@wuuc.org).
Men's Retreat
Contact Dewey Millar if you have any Questions <dewmillar@gmail.com>

Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events

Continuing Zoom & Hybrid Events
Dear WUUC, The pandemic has been hard on all of us. Engaging with our shared community is more important than ever. To that end, we encourage all folks who plan, develop, or coordinate WUUC events to carefully consider including people who may not be able to participate in person by offering hybrid or online options whenever possible. Training and/or help with setting up virtual/hybrid events is available. Please contact May Killorin, Office Administrator, for assistance.

Your Board of Trustees

WUUC Online Feedback & Suggestion Form

Dear Community, WUUC is committed to providing the best experience possible for all our congregation members, friends, and visitors. We encourage you to participate in our continuous improvement by submitting constructive suggestions regarding our church, our services, or even our website. Tell us your questions, comments, or concerns. Your feedback is a valuable part of our program. What can we do to grow and become a stronger and more welcoming faith community? Appreciation and positive feedback are also very valuable … What’s working well for you? What do you like about WUUC? Your suggestion will be reviewed promptly and considered for possible further action. You may use this link to submit your suggestion online. Anonymous feedback is permitted.

Feedback and Suggestion Form: https://forms.gle/mWgNNyma7DizrQ8K7

Alternatively, you may send your suggestion in an email directly to the Board at board@wuuc.org. Thank you for your input.
In Community,
WUUC Board

February Calendar: https://wuuc.org/calendarevents/

Numerous Zoom & in person meetings are held each week, including opportunities to grow our spirits and opportunities to connect for fun and entertainment. Please check the calendar link above for the schedule. Contact office@wuuc.org or your facilitator if you need the Zoom link to a meeting.


We get the list Birthdays from the realm database. Please make sure your birthday is updated on the database so we don't miss you. You can also email office@wuuc.org with your birthday so we can add it to our list.
Ailey Eddy - February 2
Natalie Kuo-Lillie - February 5
Xander Hopkins - February 11
Hillary Muchinsky - February 12
Duncan Green - February 14
Marlene Katz - February 16
Bruce Sherry - February 16
Barabra Brachtl - February 17
David Goss-Grubbs - February 22
Larry Bridges - February 26


Storytelling from an Indigenous perspective

2/4 - Storytelling from an Indigenous perspective

- Pamela Seamonster

Join us for this special service as Pamela Seamonster shares the indigenous tradition of storytelling from her perspective as a Snohomish Tribal Councilwoman and Cultural Educator.

Pamela Seamonster is a Councilwoman on the Snohomish Tribal Council, the Fish, Wildlife, and Environment Director for the Tribe. She is also the Founder and Co-Director of the community organization Salish Sea Environmental Education and Action. She is a Cultural Educator and Traditional Teacher for the Duwamish Longhouse and Cultural Center, and a Traditional Plant Medicine and Food Specialist.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.

Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969

For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

2/11 - Limits to our Love: Our Finite Emotional Capacity (Exploring Our Limits series, Part 2)

Limits to our Love: Our Finite Emotional Capacity (Exploring Our Limits series, Part 2)
- Reverend Dan Lillie

In part 2 of the Exploring Our Limits series, we will explore the limits of our emotional capacity. There are limits to how much we can feel. When we feel like the weight of the whole world is upon us, accepting our emotional limits can give us the permission we need to set down the burdens that aren't ours to carry.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.

Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969

For audio only, call: 253-215-8782

2/18 - Advocating For Climate Justice

Advocating For Climate Justice
- Mark Vossler, Citizen's Climate Lobby (ASJ-sponsored speaker)

Our human addiction to fossil fuels is causing real harm to real people right here and right now. These burdens are not borne equally. Dr. Vossler discusses ways that we can effectively reduce carbon emissions and air pollution while ensuring that extra burdens are not placed on already overburdened communities and households that are struggling financially.

Mark Vossler is a recently retired cardiologist who practiced in our community for the past twenty two years. He has had a long term interest in the cardiovascular impacts of air pollution and climate change. He is active with Physicians for Social Responsibilty (PSR), serving on the board of both the national organization and the Washington state chapter. He chairs the environmental health committee for PSR. He also leads our local chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a nationwide grassroots organization advocating for policies that mitigate climate change.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.

Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969

For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
Embracing Mystery (Exploring Our Limits series, Part 3)

2/25 - Embracing Mystery (Exploring Our Limits series, Part 3)

– Reverend Dan Lillie

In part 3 of the Exploring Our Limits series, we will explore the limits of knowledge: of what we know and can know. While it may feel daunting (even scary) to think about the unknown, there can also be freedom in accepting our limits and embracing mystery.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.

Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969

For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
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