Even through this past holiday season, Board members have been working on several important governance items.   Here are some highlights of our work:

  • We completed and submitted to the UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee (MFC) our Evaluator Form for Rev. Dan’s 3rd and final Preliminary Fellowship year. We partnered with Rev. Dan in evaluating seven areas of ministry: worship and rites of passage, pastoral care and presence, spiritual development for self and others, social justice in the public square, administration, serves the larger UU faith, leads the faith into the future.  This process also gave us the opportunity to articulate goals and action steps for the coming year related to each of the above ministries, an excellent roadmap for our collective futures.  
  • Our treasurer, Kermit Sprang worked with the Finance Committee to create the WUUC Budget Worksheet for FY 2024-2025.   This involves collecting and collating information on all potential sources of income as well as the many categories of expenses including ministerial and staff office, committee/team, building and grounds, utilities, dues, etc.  The congregation will have the opportunity to preview this budget at the February 11th Town Hall. 
  • A Board sub-group (Trina Roulet, Azure Forte, Jan Radoslovich) has been hard at work on the Board goal to organize, update and refine the WUUC organizational infrastructure (governance documents such as policies/procedures) in a sustainable form.  This will be a multi-year project.   With a herculean effort by Trina Roulet, we have completed most of the assessment phase of this project and are kicking off the next phase by asking the Board, Ministry Council, Committees and Teams to create or update their charters.  In the WUUC  church bylaws – Section 4:  one of the Board charges is the establishment and chartering of such committees as it may deem appropriate.  The charters will provide the congregation with a clear and current description of the purpose and functions of WUUC committees and teams, which will benefit our understanding of each other’s work. 

The Board is dedicated to the health of the congregation and sincerely wants to hear what you think about how things are going.  

Some ways you can reach out to the Board:

  1. Email to board@wuuc.org
  2. Send email to any Board member: President Jan Radoslovich, Vice President Jeff Lu, Co-secretary Jeff Anderson, Co-secretary Linda Sherry, Treasurer Kermit Sprang, Azure (Blue) Forte, Trina Roulet.
  3. Submit an Online Feedback Form. This form will be read only by the Board Secretary who will respond to you and share your input with the appropriate person(s).  Please note that including your name makes it much easier to clarify and follow up, but is not required.

Here is both a link and the full URL to the form:  WUUC Feedback Form

  1. Contact Rev. Dan Lillie at:  RevDan@WUUC.org , or through the church office.
  2. Contact the church office at:  Offfice@WUUC.org, or call 425-788-6044
  3. Talk to any Board member at church or a social function, and also remember that we are not on-duty at all times, so may suggest another time to talk.