
You have been invited to JOIN YOUR CHURCH FAMILY as part of our Realm Information System.  Hopefully you have followed the link in the email and created your login, perhaps have even looked around a little at the information and opportunities that exist on your personal Realm page.  If you have not yet, you may be looking for a little more information before you commit to an account on Realm.  

What is REALM?

WUUC has been using a cloud-based database called Fellowship One since 2009.  It has provided the office with quick access to your contact information and family connections.  But the system was cryptic and outdated, so Realm by ACS Technologies has been chosen to replace it, because of its user friendliness and overall capabilities.  

Why is WUUC doing this?  

The Board of Trustees seeks to simplify and streamline all business processes at WUUC in an effort to reduce the time and effort required of staff and volunteers devoted to mundane, repetitive details and communications.  Realm offers these kinds of capabilities in many areas of church administration and leadership communication.

What does REALM provide for me as Member or Friend of WUUC?

As a Member or Friend of WUUC, REALM can provide several things:

  • The ability for you to edit all your contact and family information directly, upload personal pictures so that others, and the ability to control who at WUUC has access to that information.  
  • An online directory of everyone at WUUC (and their permitted contact information)
  • A record of contributions you have made to WUUC.  This information is accessible only by you and a limited number of people involved with finances at WUUC.  You will be able to check and see if your contributions are up to date and properly credited to the right funds.  You will be able to print out pledge statements as needed.  
  • A list of all the groups at WUUC of which you are currently considered a member, and visibility of upcoming events related to those groups.
  • Visibility of all events occurring at WUUC.
  • The ability to indicate interest in a new group by direct email to its leaders.
  • And more!

When creating your account, if at any time it appears  that you need to re-enter your name, please close your browser and start again from the login invitation email.  

After logging into Realm, How do I:

edit my contact and personal information?

  1. Ensure that you are on your own information page by clicking Community on the left side of the page, then click My Profile.  You will see your contact and personal information, and members of your household listed on the right.  
  2. Hover your cursor to the right of Contact Information and a blue pen icon will show up.  
    1. Click on that icon and you will be in edit mode for that section.  Please be sure your address and other contact information are accurate.  Add only email addresses for the adults in your family.
    2. Set your privacy settings to your preference.  To the right of the box containing your contact information, you will see the setting.  Click on it.  You can choose to make information available to Everyone, Leaders+Staff+your Group Members, Staff+ Leaders, or just Staff.  
    3. SAVE when you are finished.
  3. Change to Personal Information by clicking the tab at the top of the page.  
  4. Hover your cursor to the right of “Personal Information” and a blue pen icon will show up.
    1. Click on that icon and you will be in edit mode for that section.  
      1. Please be sure your address and other contact information are accurate. Upload only pictures of the adults in your family.  
      2. Family positions for the adults in the family need to be “husband” and “wife” OR  “Head” and “spouse”(s) (acknowledgement: yes, not very UU!!).  Please don’t make them “spouse” and “spouse” or you will not be able to see your contributions in the Giving section.
      3. We are asking that everyone add their birthdate — having everyone’s age will allow WUUC to build age-appropriate programs.  If you are uncomfortable with that, please add a minimum of the correct YEAR (as in 01/01/1955).   
      4. Any other information added under personal information will be appreciated.
    2. Set your privacy settings to your preference.  To the right of the box containing your contact information, you will see the setting.  Click on it.  You can choose to make information available to Everyone, Leaders+Staff+your Group Members, Staff+ Leaders, or just Staff.  
    3. SAVE when you are finished.

check out the groups I’m participating in?

From the My Profile page, click on the Groups tab at the top of the page.  A list of From the Community section, go to My Profile.  Click on “Groups” at the top of the page.  A list of all the groups of which you are currently a member will be listed.  

To see upcoming events, click on the name of a group, then click on Events at the top of that page.  A list of all upcoming events for this group will appear, along with dates, times and locations.  You can  confirm the location using information posted on the door of the office at church.

When you check your groups, if you find any listed of which you are no longer a member, notify the group leader to delete you from their list.  To do this, make sure you are on the page for the Group, then click on the “send email” button to the right of the group information.  Here you can write your message and it will be seen by the group.  

use the online directory?

There are two ways to do this:  

  1. Search for anyone by typing their name, or the first few letters of it, into the search box at the top of the page.  Make sure the search is set appropriately to Profiles, Groups, or All.
  2. Click, on the left side of the screen, on Profiles.  This brings up a list of everyone in the church’s information system.  Scroll up or down to find the person you are looking for.  

view my contribution records?

From your profile page, click “Giving” on the left of the screen.  On this page you should see your pledge information on the right side of the screen and contribution information in the middle.  Please expect to see your contribution posted in Realm within 2 weeks of making your contribution. The information is listed according to the funds where it has been added– be sure to check and make sure it is accurate and up-to-date!  If there are issues, please contact the office at office@wuuc.org.  All contribution and pledge information is held in the strictest confidence— only you and any partner, along with 2 other administrative people at WUUC, can see this information in Realm.

Let a group leader know that I am interested in joining their group?

On the left side of the screen, click on Community, then Groups. A full listing of all the groups at WUUC will appear, along with a short description of the group’s role at WUUC.  Click on the name of any group in which you are interested. Once in the group’s page, you will see a button on the right that says “I’m interested”.  Click on that button to communicate your interest to the group leader.  If you get no response within a week, please contact our Engagement Coordinator at engagement@wuuc.org

And you will be assisted in communicating your interest in becoming involved in the group.

Why is Realm available only to those who are Members or Pledging Friends of WUUC?

Our database contains information that we hold close to the heart of WUUC– contact and personal information about our families.  Our policy is to restrict access to Realm to those who make a commitment to WUUC to respect the privacy of this information.  WUUC Membership is that commitment.  Pledging is a measurable sign of commitment from those unable to become members at this time.  

If you are not a WUUC member and/or cannot pledge at this time, but believe you need access to Realm’s information, please contact our Engagement Coordinator for special review.

How do I get back to Realm later?  

Go to onrealm.org and use your log-in information as before.

Just looking for HELP with Realm?  Email us at REALMhelp@wuuc.org

Realm HELP team:  

  • Lori Varosh
  • Holly Beck
  • Lori McConnell
  • Lindsey Martin
  • Karen Hyams
  • Leslie Morton