Music at WUUC

WATCH AND LISTEN to the WUUC Choir performing at the Cottage Lake Interfaith Partners (CLIP) Festival Feb. 24, 2019,  here.

Ever since the beginning days of WUUC, music has been a central part of worship services and church life in general. We have many talented musicians in our midst, but we always have room for more. As a musician at WUUC you can be involved in several ways, from singing in the choir to playing in services to working with children to joining ad-hoc groups of musicians who jam or play informally at each others’ homes or for church events. We welcome all styles and instruments, and a love of music and an eagerness to share your music with others is all that is required, so please consider joining in one of the following areas.


The WUUC choir may be different from church choirs you have experienced before. We are led by professional choir director Matt Smith. We  strive to sing accessible and energetic pieces for Sunday services, and last but not least, have fun doing it. We welcome anyone who loves to sing – no formal voice or music training is required, and even if you do not consider yourself a music sight-reader, we invite you to join us.

Choir rehearses every Thursday evening from 7 to 8:45 p.m. and at 9:00 a.m. on the Sunday immediately before we perform. We generally sing one to two Sundays a month, and often at special services (e.g. holidays and Music Sunday).

Sunday Service (non-choir) Music

On any given Sunday you will hear music at WUUC – instrumental and vocal, and the styles and instruments may surprise you: from Eastern European folk to classical to jazz, pop, rock, and everything in between. At WUUC you will hear piano, guitar, flute, oboe, accordion, opera singers, and more. We make every effort to tie our music into the worship theme of the day. Join us! If you play an instrument (including voice) and want to join in, please contact Johnna Ebanks.

terry-levitt-accompanistSunday Service Piano Accompanists

Our piano accompanist, Terry Levitt, is sometimes unavailable for Sunday services.  If you would like to volunteer to be a substitute accompanist on the dates when Terry is unavailable, please contact Donna Johnson.