Sunday Services


10:00-11:00am   Sunday service is a time for gathering together to celebrate community and the mystery and wonders of life as well as to be inspired and challenged toward growth and living our convictions. Music, readings, sharing of joys and sorrows, sermons and fellowship all contribute to the Sunday experience. What should I expect when I visit?

Music has always been a central part of worship services at WUUC. Learn more about music at WUUC.

Masking is now optional for all in-person church activities. We strongly encourage masking while singing. Please do not attend church in person if you are currently showing any symptoms of illness. 

You can also join our services online via Zoom.

The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.

Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782



This Coming Sunday

See all upcoming services on our Calendar.


Sermon Recordings

Enjoy recordings of previous sermon topics on Sound Cloud.