

 The volunteer leadership at WUUC currently consists of of the Board of Trustees, WUUC Staff, the Ministries Council, and ministries.

The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is composed of seven church members elected by the congregation to act on their behalf as the legal fiduciary of WUUC. The Board serves the congregation through its oversight and management of the church according to the Bylaws, policies, mission/vision of the church and subject to congregational polity, Unitarian Universalist Association member guidelines and state laws & regulations.

This year’s Board includes five officers and two members-at-large; Board members are elected for staggered three-year terms. Check the Web site calendar to see when the monthly Board meetings are held – meetings are open to members who wish to attend.  Board History

Board Members for the 2024-2025 Church Year (officers elected at July, 2024 meeting)

President: Jeff Lu

Vice President: Barbara Brachtl

Treasurer: Kermit Sprang

Secretary: John Gamble

Members at Large: Azure Forte, Trina Roulet, Kerrie Vespaziani

Rev. Dan Lillie is also an ex-officio member of the Board and participates in Board meetings and decision-making discussions, but per the WUUC Bylaws, does not vote.

The Board welcomes your communication via email at board@wuuc.org or via our Feedback Form.

Ministry Leads


“In the Soup” – Ministry Council 2024-2025

“In the Soup” by Rev. Robert Walsh (Reading at the 10/23/22 Worship Service)

My dictionary says the word minister is etymologically related to the word minestrone. I am not making this up. They are both derived from a Latin root that means to serve.

The image of ministry as minestrone is particularly apt for the ministry church people do all together that makes us a ministering congregation. Each bean, each vegetable, each piece of macaroni or pinch of spice gives not only its substance to the soup but also its spirit, its texture and color, its flavor and aroma. Each person offers a unique set of gifts, and if we do our job of organizing well, each gift will be creatively matched with a need—so that the whole becomes a warm, nourishing, life-giving religious community.

All who serve the church and the principles and values we hold dear are ministers. If you are doing part of that work, you are doing ministry, no matter how unlikely that may seem. You are in the soup—the minestrone of ministry!

The “In the Soup” reading seemed like the perfect introduction to what the Ministry Council does.  From its charter, the purpose of the Ministry Council is to facilitate frequent, open, two-way communication, coordination and collaboration within the Ministry Groups and between the governing entities of the church (the Board) and the ministering entities of the church (Committee Chairs and Team Leads). Ministry Council members provide additional perspectives to the Board and Minister as necessary on topics relevant to the ministries of the church. 

The Ministry Council provides guidance, information and assistance to Committee Chairs and Team Leads of groups operating within the Church.  The Minister and the Board have delegated authority to the Ministry Leads to perform their duties. 

Though the majority of decision-making occurs at the Committee/Team level, each Ministry Lead monitors their committees, teams, programs, and ad hoc groups within their Ministry in order to facilitate communication about activities, identify opportunities and challenges, and identify issues and needs to be brought to the attention of the Ministry Council, Board or Minister.

Ministry Council seeks to enhance healthy and productive:

  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Collaboration
  • Creativity

throughout the WUUC Community, and particularly in the execution of WUUC’s ministry programs.  In all of its work, the members of the Ministry Council apply their collective knowledge, energy, and commitment to the mission of WUUC.

The Ministry Council consists of Ministry Leads and Board Reps for meeting facilitation and notetaking.  The Minister is an ex-officio member who may attend Ministry Council meetings as needed or requested by Ministry Leads. 

The Ministry Leads are appointed by the WUUC Board of Trustees and are accountable to the Board and the Minister for their work and outcomes.   

The Ministry Council is organized and operates under the “Seven Umbrellas of Ministry”

Sustainability – Ministry Lead:  Marcia Sprang.   Ministries include:  Building and Grounds (BAG), Endowment, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Stewardship, Woodinville Country Day School, Building Rental, MarCom (Marketing/Communications)

Justice and Service – Ministry Lead:  Carol Taylor  Ministries include:  Welcoming Congregation, Climate Justice (Eco Connect), Racial Justice Task Force (RJTF), Land Acknowledgment, Economic Justice, Blood Drive

Worship and Music – Ministry Lead:  Donna Johnson.   Ministries include:  Worship Coordinators/Leaders, Zoomkeepers, Camera/Sound Techs, Choir/Special Music, Earth-based Services/Celebrations, December Labyrinth.

Lifelong Learning – Ministry Co-Leads: TBD    Ministries include:  Nursery/Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, Jr. and Sr. Youth Groups, Our Whole Lives (Lifespan Sexuality Education), Adult Religious Education, UU Identity Formation (Denominational Affairs Team (to be formed)

Membership and Hospitality – Ministry Lead: Kate Smith.   Ministries include: Membership Team, ComCom (Internal Communications, E-mail Distribution Groups), Ushers and Greeters, Coffee/Social Hour Support

Social Connections – Ministry Lead:  Tevina Flood.  Ministries include:  Engagement Groups, Social Events, Small Group Ministries, Pondering Groups, Connections Groups, Recurring Small Groups, Men’s and Women’s Retreats, Camping Trip

Care and Support – Ministry Lead:  Marian Johnson.   Ministries include:  Lay Pastoral Associates, Care & Concerns Team, Support Groups

If you have questions or feedback for the Ministry Council, please contact any of the Ministry Leads, Board Vice-President or Rev. Dan Lillie.