WUUC Care and Support Team

 Here at Woodinville Unitarian Universalist Church, we understand that the human journey involves a wide range of emotions and experiences. From joy, beauty, and love, to struggle, pain, and grief, we know that navigating the ups and downs of life can be challenging. But the good news is, we don’t have to journey alone. One of the purposes of our spiritual community is to offer care and support to those who need it (and let’s be honest: we all need care and support sometimes).

Sometimes you just need a place to share a joy or a sorrow where it will be received with compassion. You are welcome to share these moments of your life with others in our WUUC community by sending an email with your joy or sorrow to candle@wuuc.org. If you would like to receive the messages that others share on the Candle list, you can email office@wuuc.org and request that you be added to the Candle email list.

On most Sundays during our weekly worship service, there is an opportunity to submit a joy or sorrow to the Worship Leader, who will read it aloud to the congregation.

In addition, here are some of our care and support teams, and how to connect with them:


Lay Pastoral Associates

  • Lay Pastoral Associates offer emotional and spiritual support by providing a confidential, caring, nonjudgmental, short-term listening presence in times of need.
  • Contact Lay Pastoral Associates, Marian Johnson, Jean Fowler, Chuck Fowler, Hilarie Cash, & Dewey Millar at lpa@wuuc.org, or our minister, Rev. Dan Lillie at RevDan@wuuc.org. A lay pastoral associate will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
  • Lay Pastoral Associates host a Compassionate Connection Circle after Sunday worship services. This gathering offers an opportunity to share deeply in a supportive group setting with other WUUC members and friends who may attend. You can join a Compassionate Connection Circle after the worship service at 11:30 am, meeting in the choir area of the sanctuary.
  • Lay Pastoral Associates may suggest resources for outside professional support as needed. They will not solve or fix your problems but will help in exploring options that lead to progress – useful alternatives in your life’s journey.


Cares and Concerns Team

Do you or someone you know at WUUC need some TLC (Tender Loving Care)? The WUUC Cares and Concerns Team can help by providing:

  • Meals delivered to WUUC community members, regulars & friends recuperating from operations or illness.
  • Transportation to and from doctor appointments
  • Companionship for those housebound by visiting, reading or good old-fashioned talking.
  • An extra set of helping hands or meals for new parents

Our mission is to make your life a little easier. Contact Susan McBain at smcbain@wuuc.org.


Pastoral Care with our Minister

Our minister, Rev. Dan Lillie, is available if you’d like to talk with him. You can request an appointment by emailing revdan@wuuc.org.

 Need support, but not sure who to contact? You may email or call the WUUC office at office@wuuc.org and 425-788-6024 for referral to a member or members of our care and support teams.

 “When I was at the end of my rope, the people at (my church) tied a knot in it for me and helped me hold on.” – Anne Lamott from Traveling Mercies