‘Building Your Own Theology’ Class
As Unitarian-Universalists, we are all theologians. Our church, as a spiritual community, encourages each of us to create our own personal credo (Latin for “I believe.”) This 8-week UUA curriculum will help you examine your values and beliefs about God or ultimate reality, human nature, ethics, and the meaning and purpose of life. You’ll search for what is true in life. Through a combination of reflection, group discussion, study and writing, you’ll examine your own spiritual odysseys and articulate your own credos. How does your life inform your faith?
Please note – this is not a “drop-in” class. It’s important to attend all eight sessions, since they build on one another. Watch the church email list and Calendar for offerings.
Facilitators: Chuck Bean & Terry Santmann
Soul Matters
Online Collaboration Calls
“Soul Matters” is a small group gathering where participants offer sacred space to each other to experience the themes of each month on the UU calendar, not just talk about them. Its content challenges our minds and helps us connect our faith to our daily living. Soul Matters offers the gift of spiritual connection and supports our journey of reconnection to life, others, and ourselves. We do that by listening. Fundamentally, that’s what Soul Matters is: an invitation to listen more deeply and intentionally, in three distinct ways. First, we listen to each other. Second, we listen to our lives. Finally, we listen to our deepest selves. Together, these three sacred practices of listening offer us a journey to connection, and ultimately a journey back home.
Ann Lu is the leader. Her online (Zoom) Soul Matters small group meets once a month, September through June, on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Please email her, annm.lu@gmail.com, if you would like to join this group.
Second Tuesday TED Talks
Join us for this new monthly event at WUUC! On the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., we’ll watch a TED Talk together and then discuss it afterwards. It’s like a book discussion group, except you don’t have to read a book ahead of time to participate! Instead of a book, the TED Talk is a short video that we watch together. Then we’ll engage in a facilitated discussion about it.
See the calendar for this month’s topic and meeting details.