By Bridget Laflin
Director of Religious Education

Hello WUUC!

Summer is winding down and we are ramping up for a church and school year like no other.  All of us are feeling the pressure of figuring out how to create a new normal during these challenging times.  WUUC’s Religious Education Committee is no different. 

But we are very excited about the upcoming church year and the offerings we are preparing for religious education for children and youth.  We will be kicking off our fall RE program on Sept. 20.  Here are just a few highlights:

·       All Ages Interactive Chapel on Sunday mornings

·       Online Bitmoji RE classroom that students can access whenever they want

·       Social justice projects for junior and senior youth

·       Coming of Age program for 9-11 graders

·       Monthly online regional youth cons

We will be reaching out to ALL members of the congregation to ask for support for our online RE programs.  Since much of the content will be pre-recorded and the children will access it at their convenience, we will be looking for people from the congregation to make short recordings so that our children get exposure to the faces and voices of their church family.  We will be looking for people to record some of the following things to share with the class:

·       Chalice Lightings / Extinguishings

·       Reading or telling stories

·       Craft / art demonstrations

·       Songs

·       Movement exercises (body prayers, yoga, dances etc)

·       Nature discoveries

·       Demonstrate a skill (building, cooking, garden etc.)

·       Messages of encouragement / affirmation

·       Puppet shows

·       Other???

We can’t wait to share in the experiences of our talented congregation!