Postponed: Climate Justice Team Movie [s]
Ditzler HallThis event has been postponed due to the Corona virus outbreak and to follow the King County recommendation of avoiding large gatherings where possible. This event has been postponed due to the Corona virus outbreak and to follow the King County recommendation of avoiding large gatherings where possible.
Postponed: PNWD Annual Meeting [os]
Off SiteThis virtual meeting has been postponed. The Pacific NW District of the UUA is holding our Annual Meeting soon and we want to showcase stories of things your congregation has done that are worth copying or celebrating. We’re holding our annual meeting virtually this year – via Zoom – so everyone can participate from wherever […]
Story Time [z]
ZoomStory Time [z]
ZoomPeace Circles for Racial Healing [z]
ZoomA series of Peace Circles for Racial Healing facilitated by Fernell Miller continues on the first Sunday of every month. Each Peace Circle will cover a different aspect of racial healing and will be independent of the others. You can attend them at any time in any order.
TGIF [z]
ZoomCanceled: BAG Earth Day Clean-up & Plant Sale [ws]
Whole SiteThis event has been canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Justice Party [z]
ZoomAuction Item: An Economist’s Perspective on Economic Justice [s]
Ditzler HallThis event will start right after the Town Hall Meeting finishes.