Beltaine: A Celebration of Renewal and Hope

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Rachel Eddy Join our beloved community in a playful and whimsical celebration of the return of spring, designed to kindle the creative spark in each of us. We require proof of vaccination as well as a mask for in-person attendance. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: […]

Beauty, Beauty, Everywhere

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Reverend Dan Lillie What is the significance of beauty in our lives? Let's explore and celebrate the ways it makes our lives better. We require proof of vaccination as well as a mask for in-person attendance. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: 944 4710 1249 Passcode: […]

Flower Communion

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Reverend Dan Lillie This annual beloved tradition in Unitarian Universalism celebrates beauty, connection, and community. Bring a flower, and leave feeling lifted up! We require proof of vaccination as well as a mask for in-person attendance. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: 375 004 5755 For […]

Supporting Mental Health

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Linda Sherry & Jan Radoslovich, WUUC Members Do one in four people in the US really have mental illness? What does that mean? How does it impact me? What can we do for ourselves, for our loved ones and acquaintances, for our local communities, for the world?  WUUC members Linda Sherry and Jan Radoslovich […]

Love Anyway

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Reverend Dan Lillie In an age of easy “unfriending,” it might be tempting to cut people out of our lives for being on the “wrong side” of any number of issues. But since when was being in agreement with each other about everything a core tenant of Unitarian Universalism? Despite our differences, divides, and […]

So, What’s Going Right These Days?

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

-- Rev Dan Lillie These are difficult times. War, poverty, the climate crisis, inequality and injustice are all too real and pervasive, and we can't quite seem to put this pandemic behind us. But what else is true? Is this the fullness of our realities, our experience, our lives? Or are there signs of goodness, […]

Widening the Circle of Concern; reflections from Study Group participants

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

-- COIC Study Group Participants The UUA Commission on Institutional Change (COIC) is charged with supporting long-term cultural and institutional change that redeems the essential promise and ideals of Unitarian Universalism. The WUUC Study Group will share learnings and reflections from 4 months of engaging with one another through our study of the content from […]

A service to Bless, Thank, and Celebrate

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

-- Rev. Dan Lillie As we honor the end of our church year, let's celebrate transitions, thank our volunteers, and offer blessings to each other and ourselves. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: 375 004 5755 For audio only, call: 1-253-215-8782

GA Sunday Morning Service


– Leader: Rev. Gretchen Haley, Senior Minister of the Foothills Unitarian Universalist Church in Fort Collins, CO. Additional worship team members includes Rev. Sean Neil-Barron and Shari Halliday-Quan. Streamed UUA General Assembly service. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: 375 004 5755 For audio only, call: 1-253-215-8782

UU Values and the Constituion

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

- Kermit Sprang In challenging times, we look to our shared values for guidance.  This Fourth of July, Kermit Sprang, attorney and WUUC Board President, discusses parallels between the seven Unitarian Universalist principles and the United States Constitution, sharing insight on how they instruct us to navigate times of deep division and rapid change.  Do […]

A Poetic Perspective

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

- Chuck Bean In an era when the air is full of sound bites, half-truths, exaggerations and outright lies, let's have a few moments of clarity. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: 375 004 5755 For audio only, call: 1-253-215-8782

The Good News In Bad Times

- Randy Morris, Ph.D. Bad news seems to be everywhere these days, like a dark cloud hanging over everything we do.  What if, rather than turn our eyes away from the catastrophes happening around us, we lean into the dark clouds and surrender to what they have to say?  Let’s set aside a naive hope […]

Building Community to Support Change

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

- Hilarie Cash However Long the Night is the biography of an American woman who moved to Senegal in the 70s and started an educational organization called Tostan. She and her volunteers go into villages where they create a school for adults and teach those who wish to come about reading, writing, health and human […]

The Blessing of the Animals

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Reverend Dan Lillie Friendships take many forms, and our connections to our animal friends can be as deep, powerful, and loving as our human-to-human bonds. Today we celebrate the animal companions who bring out the best of our humanity.

Nature: The Ultimate Mathematician

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

- Chuck Fowler The systems we see around us, among us, and within us are intricately intertwined. Over time, one thing influences another. Such systems and relationships have a mathematical quality. But there is a caveat - a big caveat. Reality is ineffable and the universal language of mathematics fails to represent the infinite. However, […]