It’s Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Christmas
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie This Christmas Eve morning service will celebrate the Christmas holiday through the music of the season. And, consider staying between the morning and evening services for a day of Christmas food, caroling, and festivities! The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. Meeting ID: […]
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie All are invited to this special holiday evening service filled with music and candlelight. Merry Christmas! The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
Burning Bowl
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Rachel Eddy The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
Being…in the Midst
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend April Frazier How do we find meaning when illness knocks us over and changes how we understand the world and ourselves to be? When there is so much we cannot control, how can we find a bit of peace...and just be? Rev. April Frazier is a Board Certified Chaplain and after working in […]
A “Justice and Service” Service
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Advocates for Social Justice (ASJ) Coordinating Council Come learn about the ways that our WUUC community is working to make the world a better, more just place. You’ll hear from folks in our congregation who are doing this important work, and find out how you can get involved.
Ditzler Hall Dedication Service
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie In today’s service, we will dedicate our sanctuary as “Ditzler Hall” to honor Bob Ditzler’s leadership in building our beloved church home. The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
The Time of Our Lives (Exploring Our Limits series, Part 1)
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie It may seem like there is not enough time to do everything we feel we should... and that is true! We don't have enough time in our lives to do everything worthy of doing, which means we have choices to make. Can the pressure of an ever-ticking clock help encourage us […]
Storytelling from an Indigenous perspective
Ditzler Hall- Pamela Seamonster (Her legal and preferred name to be called, although she will clarify with her indigenous, Chelalakem, name when she starts speaking). Join us for this special service as Pamela Seamonster shares the indigenous tradition of storytelling from her perspective as a Snohomish Tribal Councilwoman and Cultural Educator. Pamela Seamonster is a Councilwoman […]
Limits to our Love: Our Finite Emotional Capacity (Exploring Our Limits series, Part 2)
Ditzler Hall- Reverend Dan Lillie In part 2 of the Exploring Our Limits series, we will explore the limits of our emotional capacity. There are limits to how much we can feel. When we feel like the weight of the whole world is upon us, accepting our emotional limits can give us the permission we need […]
Advocating For Climate Justice
Ditzler Hall- Mark Vossler, Citizen's Climate Lobby (ASJ-sponsored speaker) Our human addiction to fossil fuels is causing real harm to real people right here and right now. These burdens are not borne equally. Dr. Vossler discusses ways that we can effectively reduce carbon emissions and air pollution while ensuring that extra burdens are not placed on […]
Embracing Mystery (Exploring Our Limits series, Part 3)
Ditzler Hall– Reverend Dan Lillie In part 3 of the Exploring Our Limits series, we will explore the limits of knowledge: of what we know and can know. While it may feel daunting (even scary) to think about the unknown, there can also be freedom in accepting our limits and embracing mystery. The link to join […]
A New Way of…Thinking
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie As we kick off this year's Annual Budget Drive, we'll also kick off a new worship series called A New Way... series. In part 1, we'll explore the value of remaining open to new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities, while holding our own truths lightly. The link to join the Zoom Meeting […]
A New Way of…Doing
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie Having habits and routine ways of doing things provides us with a sense of stability and comfort. But while our routines stay the same, the world around us is always changing. In part 2 of the A New Way... series, let's consider when it might be worth trying doing things in […]
A New Way of…Being
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie We are not human thinkings or human doings, we are human beings. There is more to who we are than what we think, or what we do. And sometimes, when we change the way we think, or we change what we do, something else changes, too. Let's consider what it means […]
WUUC – A Caring Community LIGHTS – CAMERA – ACTION!
Ditzler Hall & ZoomYou already are familiar with LPA and Cares/Concerns but what do you know about Relationships and Resolution (R & R) or the Safer Congregations Response Team (SCRT)? Join us on Sunday morning for an innovative service that introduces many ways WUUC can support you! Jane Flood will lead our time together along with Terry Levitt […]