Faith in Action- Justice and Service Work
Ditzler Hall & ZoomWUUC members - justice testimonials "Faith in Action" How does the free and responsible search for truth and meaning call us as practical theologians to express through our works of justice and service the ultimate meaning of our faith? The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service at 10 a.m. is here. Webinar […]
Fall Social Justice Fair 2022 [s]
Ditzler HallIf you want to learn more about the social justice and service ministries and opportunities at WUUC, please come to the Fall Social Justice Fair. It will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following the Worship Service on Sunday, October 2nd. Everyone will have the opportunity to vote for Special Collections recipients during the Fair. […]
Theme for the Year: Curiosity
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie Like many Unitarian Universalist congregations, we use monthly themes to guide our worship services. This year, we are also going to have a Theme for the Year: Curiosity. How might adopting a lens of curiosity change the way we see, understand, and respond to what happens to us and around us? […]
WUUC Kids’ Event
NurseryHi, Come join us for in-person fun together on Sunday, October 9th right after service and socializing time. What: We will be playing with air-dry clay to make crafts to take home: Halloween monsters, holiday mini-decor, dinosaurs, flowers, characters from your favorite stories, whatever your imagination can create. When: Oct 9th 11:30-12:30 p.m. Who: Families […]
Indigenous Peoples Day
Indigenous Peoples’ Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October, to honor the cultures and histories of the Native American people. The day is centered around reflecting on their tribal roots and the tragic stories that hurt but strengthened their communities.
Advocates for Social Justice (ASJ) Meeting [z]
Library & ZoomEvent Name: WUUC ASJ Quarterly Meeting Date of Meeting(s): October 15, January 14, April 21 Start/end times of meeting(s): 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Location: Zoom Contact: Carol Taylor
The Nature of Courage
Ditzler Hall & Zoom"What is courage? Is it simply being brave or unafraid? Join Jean and Jane as they explore the nature of courage, how it shows up in unexpected places, and how we can live courageous life." The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service at 10 a.m. is here. Webinar ID: 913 6548 4659 […]
Adult Religious Education Offering – UU 101 [l&z]
Library & ZoomUU 101 is a two-session class offered quarterly that covers some basics about Unitarian Universalist History, Theology, and Polity. What is polity, you ask? Come to UU 101 and find out! The next UU 101 dates are: Session 1: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 6:00 – 8:00 pm (Hybrid: Zoom and in-person at WUUC) Session 2: Tuesday, […]
R & R Team Training
The R&R Team is aiming to help establish and maintain both respectful curiosity and respectful honesty in difficult conversations. We hope the result will be stronger relationships and a sense of renewed community within our congregation.
Who’s With Me?
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie The pandemic showed us that our church is not a building, our church is the people: we are the church! Unfortunately, the pandemic also depleted many of our programs and opportunities for involvement. Time to re-envision, reengage, and rebuild. Who's with me? The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service […]
Service of Remembrance
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie In this service of reflection and gratitude, we remember our friends and loved ones who have passed away.
Trunk or Treat
Parking LotWe'll be hosting a Trunk or Treat event in our parking lot with the Woodinville Country Day School on On Sunday, October 29 from 12:30 - 12:00 p.m. We are looking for volunteers and donations to make this a fun community event. If you plan to decorate your trunk, please "sign up" to reserve your spot so that […]
Halloween's origins can be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain, which was held on November 1 in contemporary calendars. It was believed that on that day, the souls of the dead returned to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit bonfires to ward off spirits.
Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker-half" of the year. It is held on 1 November but with celebrations beginning on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
November 2022 Theme: Change
Passage from Soul Matters November 2022 Theme Welcome to The Path of Change I wonder, particularly in a time where everything seems urgent, what the role of pause and breath is, in this season, to help us gear up for whatever this transformational moment we find ourselves in is. Rev. Jen Bailey space to imagine […]