
GenXYZ Night

Ditzler Hall

Saturday, January 11 from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Earlier in winter months. An opportunity for pre-retirement age adults to get together to socialize. It will be Halloween/Fall themed.  I know we will already have celebrated Halloween, but we can all still enjoy bobbing for apples, bowling with pumpkins, eating candy, and the like.  Feel […]

Lay Leadership as a Spiritual Practice

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Jan Radoslovich This year, the Board has read and discussed "Serving with Grace" by Erik Walker Wikstrom. His final chapter has these observations about the spirituality of lay leadership. He sees church leadership as a spiritual practice because it is hard and because the church is a spiritual institution. Using the spiritual lens for […]

GA Discussion Topics in person

Ditzler Hall

UUA General Assembly (GA) is totally virtual this year, convening June 20-23, 2024. You have elected three WUUC delegates - Dottie Simpson, Pam Green, and Winny Schnitzler. This year, delegates will be voting on adoption of the proposed revisions (and 4 qualified amendments) to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. We are providing an opportunity […]

UUA General Assembly

Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) General Assembly (GA) all remote.



Also called Midsummer's Eve, Litha celebrates the consummation of the sacred marriage in which the energy of the God is poured out in the service of life. His sacrifice, resulting in his total immolation by the end of the season, sets the standard of self-giving in service to the Goddess. Litha comes on the June […]


Men’s Breakfast [os]

Off Site

Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about whatever comes up. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning. This is a men's group for WUUC; […]

Volunteer Appreciation and End of Year Celebration

Ditzler Hall & Zoom

– Reverend Dan Lillie It takes many helping hands, dedicated hearts, and willing spirits to sustain, nurture, and grow our community. Join us as we celebrate the end of our 2023-24 church year, and honor and appreciate the volunteers who support our church with their time and energy. The link to join the Zoom Meeting […]

Congregational Meeting to Vote on Budget & Elected Leadership Positions

Ditzler Hall

The WUUC Board of Trustees has set a meeting of the congregation for Sunday, June 23 immediately following the service for the following purposes: Vote on the proposed 2024-2025 budget Vote to fill vacant church governance positions for the 2024-2025 church year Questions? E-mail or contact any Board member.


Post-Service Potluck [s]

Ditzler Hall

A potluck in the sanctuary on the 4th Sunday of each month after Sunday service. For those with limited transportation, a potluck just after service is much easier to manage than a special trip to someone’s home like with our circle suppers and lunches. Please send me thoughts and questions to Tevina Flood: