WUUC Rummage Sale [ws]
Whole SiteIt is time again for our annual Rummage Sale. After the Auction, this is the next biggest fundraiser for the church. It's also of course a great excuse to clean out your closets, to help members of the community that need low priced things and to meet members of the Woodinville community. We will start […]
So, What’s Going Right These Days?
Ditzler Hall & Zoom-- Rev Dan Lillie These are difficult times. War, poverty, the climate crisis, inequality and injustice are all too real and pervasive, and we can't quite seem to put this pandemic behind us. But what else is true? Is this the fullness of our realities, our experience, our lives? Or are there signs of goodness, […]
Soul Matters Starting Point [z]
ZoomA new Starting Point small group for newcomers is forming. Starting Point is part of Soul Matters, a popular small-group program used by many UU churches across the country. The group will help you form relationships with members and leaders by bringing theology and history to life. The new group will meet Monday nights in […]
Painting [n,p1,p2]
Portable 1A, Portable 1B, Portable 2 & NurseryPainting the nursery, portable 1 and portable 2
Recital [s]
Ditzler HallCassie Fry Piano Studio Space reserved from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sunday Service Rehearsal [s]
Ditzler HallWidening the Circle of Concern; reflections from Study Group participants
Ditzler Hall & Zoom-- COIC Study Group Participants The UUA Commission on Institutional Change (COIC) is charged with supporting long-term cultural and institutional change that redeems the essential promise and ideals of Unitarian Universalism. The WUUC Study Group will share learnings and reflections from 4 months of engaging with one another through our study of the content from […]
Worship Team [z, mo]
ZoomLarry Bridges Student Recital [s]
Ditzler HallPoetry Group [z]
ZoomThe WUUC Poetry Group meets on second Sundays, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. When the church library is available, we meet there; otherwise, we meet on Zoom. In each session of the WUUC Poetry Group, you have the opportunity to: * Share work with a supportive audience (it could be yours or someone else's) […]