All Souls Day of Remembrance
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie At this service of remembrance, we will considering the wisdom found in a variety of cultural and religious perspectives on death, as we honor loved ones who have passed away.
Crossing Paths [p2,z]
Portable 2 & ZoomWUUC is offering a class this year called Crossing Paths as a religious education opportunity for Middle School youth, High School youth and Adults. I would like to invite you to participate as either a facilitator and/or as a class participant. Facilitators may choose to be participants for the sections they are not facilitating. The […]
Improv as Spiritual Practice [s]
Ditzler HallBridget Laflin, wearing her Congregational Intern hat, will teach a 10-session class called "Improv as Spiritual Practice." Improvisational Comedy (Improv) has become incredibly popular over the past several years as a form of entertainment and as a way for actors to build their skills. If you've ever seen Theater Sportz or Unexpected Productions or Jet City […]
Sunday Service Rehearsal [s,z]
Ditzler Hall & ZoomMahjongg Learning Group [p2]
Portable 2The History of Our Principles
Zoom– Rev. Dan Lillie The Principles have been a cornerstone of our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition since the merger of Unitarianism and Universalism back in 1961. However, they have changed over time. Will the current proposal to add an 8th Principle bring us a new version of our Principles? The link to join the online […]
Preschooler/Elementary Event [outside]
OutsideWho: WUUC Families of kids ages 2-11 years old! (At least 1-adult per family needs to stay with your kiddos.) When: Sunday Nov 7th, 1-2pm (Terrariums) Saturday Nov 20th, 10:30-11:30am (Beads) Sunday Dec 5th, 1-2pm (Felt Holiday Decor) Where: WUUC church grounds, outside What: Each day we will be doing a main craft as well as […]
BAG Work Party [ws]
Whole SiteWUUC Autumn Bonfire [fp,s]
Firepit or Ditzler HallYou are all invited to the Autumn Bonfire at WUUC. Let's get together to celebrate our community. It will be a wonderful time for conversation, fellowship, storytelling, and making new friends. (In the event of rain, we will meet in the sanctuary and play board games.) Date: Saturday Nov. 13 Time: 4-6 p.m. Location: Firepit behind WUUC What to […]