Piano Tuning [s]
Ditzler HallVolunteer Appreciation
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie Our church community, and the broader community to which we belong, wouldn't be possible without the commitment of dedicated people. Today we lift up our gratitude for all the volunteers who contribute their time, energy, talent, and gifts to keep our community going strong! The link to join the online service […]
Mini-Town Hall [z]
ZoomGA-related discussion with the WUUC delegates. Delegates have received some feedback about the GA “Draft Statement of Conscience.”
Poll Practice [z]
ZoomGeneral Assembly Sunday Morning Worship Service
ZoomThe General Assembly Sunday Morning Service is the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This year's powerful, communal worship experience will be led by the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis.
Congregational Meeting: Budget [z]
ZoomTopics include: The proposed budget for the next fiscal year; The candidates proposed by the nominating committee for the Board and other committees. This is also the time to nominate other candidates if anyone wishes to do so; A proposal to name our sanctuary “Ditzler Hall” in memory of Bob Ditzler. Also includes a Minister's […]
Camp Unity Meal [os]
Off SiteWUUC will provide food for the residents of Camp Unity Eastside (CUE) on Sunday, June 27. If you would like to help with this effort, please sign up to contribute here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x77wbXjZkY6LPl45suiKJUA9PtNSV9beiqcPt_mZMig/edit?usp=sharing If you experience any difficulties with the spreadsheet, please let Tevina Flood know. Location & Transportation: Camp Unity is moving and will […]
Staff Meeting [z]
ZoomHow to Love Your Country
ZoomImage by Prawny from Pixabay – Reverend Dan Lillie "If you don't like this country, why don't you just leave?" Often, people with progressive values are accused of not being "patriotic"; but willingness to accept a broken system does not determine who has a right to be here. We stay because we love our country, […]