BAG Work Party [o]
OutsidePreschool/Elementary Event
OutsideJoy Flags, etc. Hi WUUC Families! Do you have kids, grandkids, etc. who are Preschoolers and/or Elementary Kiddos! We are hosting our first two in-person (outside, masked) events! Who: WUUC Families (immediate or extended) of kids ages 2-10 years old! (At least 1-adult per family needs to stay with your kiddos.) When: TWO DIFFERENT events Sunday Aug […]
Labor Day: How I Live my UU Values through my Work
Zoom– WUUC Congregant Panel On this Labor Day weekend, come hear from congregants who are called to live their UU values through their work lives. The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128. Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540. Password: 659909
Town Hall Meeting [z]
ZoomTo discuss Preschool proposal: The owner of a local preschool has approached WUUC to inquire about leasing space to run a preschool program at our church. WUUC bylaws require a vote of the congregation to approve such an arrangement. The Board is seeking preliminary input from the congregation regarding support for this program. Basic information […]
Staff Meeting [z]
ZoomBoard of Trustees [z]
Zoom +1 moreWedding Set-Up [s]
Ditzler HallWedding [wb]
Whole Church BuildingCanceled: Rummage Sale Set-up [s,f,L]
Ditzler Hall, Library & FoyerIngathering: Dreams Delayed
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie We hoped that this year's ingathering would be in person, but the Delta variant had other plans. We can still celebrate the beginning of a new church year! At our virtual ingathering this year, we will acknowledge the difficulty of having our dreams delayed. The link to join the online service […]
Preschool/Elementary Event [outside]
OutsideWe are doing our Tie-Dye Event on Sunday the 12th, 2-3:30pm Who: WUUC Families of kids ages 2-10 years old! (At least 1-adult per family needs to stay with your kiddos.) If your kid is a little older and still wants to come, they are welcome, just let me know their age and be aware that […]
Piano Tuning [s]
Ditzler HallParent COVID Sharing/Listening Session [z]
ZoomJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 638 773 2951 Passcode: chalice One tap mobile +12532158782,,6387732951#,,,,*0619608# US (Tacoma) +16699006833,,6387732951#,,,,*0619608# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 […]