Numb for the Holidays
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie "Happy Holidays" may be the message we hear this time of year, but it's not how everyone feels. Our feelings around the holidays can be complicated. Let's acknowledge the shadow side of the holiday season. The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 […]
Meal for Camp Unity [os]
Off SiteWUUC will be providing food for the residents of Camp Unity Eastside (CUE) on December 19. If you would like to help with this effort, please sign up to contribute using the link below. We believe that Camp Unity will shift locations in December, but we've been told that dinner on the 19th will still be […]
Into the Dark
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie As we approach the longest night of the year, may we find comfort and wisdom in the invitation of darkness. The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128. Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540. Password: 659909
Junior Youth [z]
ZoomSolstice Labyrinth [s]
Ditzler HallChristmas Eve Service
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie All are invited to this special holiday service filled with music and candlelight. The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128. Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540. Password: 659909
Burning Bowl Service
Zoom– Rachel Eddy, WUUC Member Join WUUC member Rachel Eddy as she leads us in our annual Burning Bowl service. The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128. Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540. Password: 659909
Pop-Up Blood Drive [s]
Ditzler HallCan You Imagine?
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie Let's begin exploring our monthly theme of "Imagination" by consider how we use imagination in our lives. Can you imagine what we might do, what might be possible, if we use our imaginations more? The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For […]
Ministry Start-Up Retreat [z]
ZoomOn behalf of Rev. Dan and the Board, you are invited to a Ministry Start-Up Retreat facilitated by Rev. Sarah Schurr, Congregational Life Staff for the Pacific Northwest Region of the UUA. On Saturday, Jan. 9 from 9 a.m. to noon, Rev. Sarah will lead us in some exercises designed to help Rev. Dan get […]