The Commitment Tool Box
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie Communities of committed people are powerful, but they don't happen without the right tools. Let's explore what it takes to build communities of commitment; commitment to each other, to growth and transformation, and to a common purpose. The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 […]
Staff Meeting [z]
ZoomThe Power of We
Zoom– Reverend Laura Shennum (Pulpit swap with Cascade UU Fellowship) When we look to nature, we can see examples of how one item gets stronger when it is grouped together with others, such as water, sticks, rocks, and animals. What does it look like for Unitarian Universalists to harness their power of we? How do […]
WUUC Congregational Game Night [z]
ZoomJunior Youth Group will host a WUUC Congregational Game Night on Saturday, March 27 from 4-5:30 p.m. This event will be open to the whole congregation and friends with games for adults and youth. The event will be free, but the youth will accept donations for Lambert House as part of their social justice work […]
The Living Tradition
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie We Unitarian Universalists sometimes call our shared faith a "Living Tradition." We received our ideas, our world, and our lives from our ancestors and will ultimately pass everything on to future generations. How does keeping them in mind affect how we live now? The link to join the online service is: […]
Meal to Camp Unity [os]
Off SiteWUUC will provide food for the residents of Camp Unity Eastside (CUE) on Sunday, March 28. If you would like to help with this effort, please sign up to contribute using the link below. Camp Unity is now in Kenmore at the Northlake Lutheran Church just north of the top of Lake Washington, It's […]
Easter, Passover, Spring
Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie Come celebrate the hope, promise and joy of the season! The link to join the online service is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540 Password: 659909 For audio only call: 669-900-9128. Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540. Password: 659909
Discord Training [z]
ZoomA training session in the use of WUUC’s Discord channel, a means of communicating by voice, video and text chat, will occur in breakout rooms immediately after service Sunday, April 4.