Meeting for WUUC's Membership and Engagement Committee. Meets from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Monday's of the month. Contact the chair Kate Smith with questions.
Now is the time to submit your articles, events, ministry accomplishments, and royalty-free photos for the WUUC Newsletter. Please send your contributions to the office administrator at by the end of the day if you wish to be included.
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
We would like to gather current and potential Children’s RE volunteers to discuss the status of the program, hear feedback from each of you on your preferred volunteer role, and also to orient everyone to our (ever-evolving!) curriculum planning process and Sunday morning routine. Please choose one date to attend*: Sunday, August 25, 11:30am - 1:00pm, […]
Meeting for Building the World We Dream About Facilitators at WUUC Date: Wednesday, 8/14/24 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Location: Church Library Date: Wednesday, 8/28/24 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Location: Church Library
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar ( It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting:
Passage from Soul Matters September 2024 Theme: Welcome to the Practice of Invitation Do not try to save the whole world or do anything grandiose Instead, create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you […]
By Kathy Fosnaugh, Cora Goss-Grubbs From months' long pilgrimages to walking a labyrinth for 15 minutes; from hiking an epic mountain trail to mindfully leading the dog around the block, walking can be a spiritual experience. WUUC members will share what walking means to them and how it contributes to their lives. The link to […]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every 1st Wed of the month (except on Holidays the 2nd Wednesday) for a potluck lunch at noon at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love to have you join us for good food and good chatting. Questions? […]
All are welcome to attend anytime. Developmental/In-Depth Topics on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom Board Business Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom
Pondering the BIG Questions WUUC Small Group. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Friday's of every month from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (noon) via Zoom. Contact Terry Santmann.
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar ( It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting:
Your BAG committee asks for your help twice a year. Saturday, September 7 is the day before ingathering at WUUC. Lots to do to spruce up the building. Lunch is provided. Jobs for all skill levels. Come join us! All hands are needed to spruce up WUUC for the Fall!
Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun […]
Pamela & Chris Denchfield Home-made vegan Indian dinner, with little to zero oil added. Can be made gluten-free with other modifications as needed. Inspired by Seattle cookbook author Richa Hingle. See
By Reverend Dan Lillie Join us for Ingathering, our annual service that celebrates our coming back together after a slower summer season and ramp up the 2024-25 church year! We will do our beloved Water Communion ritual, so please bring a small portion of water from wherever you adventured this year, whether near or far. […]
January March 2025 Poetry Group Meetings will be Zoom only. Explore poetic forms through group writing exercises and share your work with interested poets. We meet on 2nd Sundays. Contact: Pamela Denchfield,
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
Monday Morning Sister Circle is a WUUC group which has met every second Monday(10-12). We are a group of women who meet in the Library at WUUC to discuss a person of interest or an essay of interest every month. We have recently discussed women philosophers, women of action, NPR essays, spiritual essays, etc. The […]
Meeting for WUUC's Membership and Engagement Committee. Meets from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Monday's of the month. Contact the chair Kate Smith with questions.
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar ( It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting:
Building the World We Dream About is an adult Lifelong Learning program that will be offered this fall at WUUC as four half-day workshops. The series will provide the opportunity for our community to engage with the tangled knot of privilege, oppression, and identity within a sacred, covenantal space held by experienced facilitators. Everyone is […]
RE is invited to help with the Building And Grounds (BAG) work parties a week after their event! In particular, they would like to involve the kids on September 14. The kids will plant flower bulbs throughout the church grounds! We’ll also have bagels and fruit. Who: Families with kids aged 2-12 What: Plant flower bulbs […]
WRITE POSTCARDS, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Looking for ways to have an impact on the November elections? You have multiple options! If you can't make one of the parties contact John Hartman ( and he will deliver a postcard writing kit to you. The Eco Connection Task Force has organized a postcard writing campaign to defeat […]
Sign up now for Circle Supper to be hosted by Jan Radoslovich on Saturday, March 15. Circle Supper’s are potlucks held at a different community member’s house each month. Find the link to the signup sheet sent via the announce email list or email Anyone who wants to attend can put their name down […]
Registration for Sunday morning Religious Education is OPEN! Registering your child(ren) helps us to plan and enables us to contact you about activities. Please register any children ages 0-17. Religious Education Registration 2024-2025 We plan to have two classrooms this year starting Sept. 15. One for 0-preschool aged children and another for children in elementary […]
By Reverend Dan Lillie Each year, our church community focuses on a theme that anchors our exploration, programming, and activities. We use this theme as a lens to examine our individual and communal lives. This church year, we will be exploring the theme of Reflection. The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at […]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
Worship Team Meetings (Coordinators & Leaders). Worship Team Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Meeting every 3rd Tuesday of the Month Hybrid in Library & via Zoom Every quarter monthly meeting 5-8 with potluck! - September, December, March, June
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
All are welcome to attend anytime. Developmental/In-Depth Topics on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom Board Business Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom
Pondering the BIG Questions WUUC Small Group. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Friday's of every month from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (noon) via Zoom. Contact Terry Santmann.
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar ( It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting:
WRITE POSTCARDS, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Looking for ways to have an impact on the November elections? You have multiple options! If you can't make one of the parties contact John Hartman ( and he will deliver a postcard writing kit to you. The Eco Connection Task Force has organized a postcard writing campaign to defeat […]
Also known as Harvest Home, Mabon celebrates life's encapsulation as a seed to survive the cold, barren winter and the Harvest of the Vine, which as wine symbolizes the Goddess' power to transform youth's sweet nectar into old age, wisdom and spiritual maturity.
Jerry Ross Bowers and Lorna Karen Keller invite you to their wedding 9.21.2024 1:00 p.m. WUUC Reception Following You presence would be a gift to us both
By Rachel Eddy Join Rachel Eddy, our Earth-based Worship Lead, in observing Mabon, the pagan celebration of the autumnal equinox. The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
A potluck in the sanctuary on the 4th Sunday of each month after Sunday service. For those with limited transportation, a potluck just after service is much easier to manage than a special trip to someone’s home like with our circle suppers and lunches. Please send me thoughts and questions to Tevina Flood:
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
Meeting for WUUC's Membership and Engagement Committee. Meets from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Monday's of the month. Contact the chair Kate Smith with questions.
Soul Matters small group led by Ann Lu. Are you interested in more deeply exploring the monthly UU Soul Matters themes? Or would you like to be part of a small discussion group? Maybe both? I am currently facilitating a small zoom group every month that reviews and discusses material in the Soul Matters packet. […]
Now is the time to submit your articles, events, ministry accomplishments, and royalty-free photos for the WUUC Newsletter. Please send your contributions to the office administrator at by the end of the day if you wish to be included.
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
WUUC Ministry Council Meeting. Every other month on the Wednesdays: September 25, December 4, January 22, March 26, May 28, July 23. Contact: Barabara Bratchl
- Stephana Ditzler All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, December 19 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 – 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An […]
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar ( It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting:
Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about whatever comes up. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning. This is a men's group for WUUC; […]
By Reverend Dan Lillie Humor is an important part of being human. But why? And how can we use humor to deepen our relationships and enrich our lives? The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782
East Shore Unitarian Church's Black Lives Matter Flash Stance is held every Sunday at rotating locations on the eastside. Every 5th Sunday of the month), it will be held in downtown Woodinville, on the corner of 175th and Garden in front of Jamba Juice. Show your support by joining them! Bring a sign and wear […]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]
Passage from Soul Matters October 2024 Theme: Welcome to the Practice of Deep Listening This is your chance to listen carefully. Your whole life might depend on what you hear. - Joyce Sutphen Listening helps us find our way. The listening of therapists allows us to navigate our way through life. We turn to prayer […]
Webinar that is being offered by the UUA/Transforming Hearts Collective. WUUC is identified as a Welcoming Congregation and, to be informed on the issues facing trans/nonbinary people, I believe it would be both informative and useful for both Worship Leaders and Lay Pastoral Associates (at a minimum) to attend this workshop. Knowledge will help us […]
Our Wednesday meditation group is alive and well. We meet Wednesday mornings in the sanctuary from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We start with a brief check in, then silent meditation for 20 minutes, 5 minute break (bio break, walking meditation, stretching, etc), another 20 minute silent meditation, break for tea and a book reading/discussion […]
Super Seniors is a group for WUUCs age 77 and above. We meet every 1st Wed of the month (except on Holidays the 2nd Wednesday) for a potluck lunch at noon at the church. If you meet the age criteria we would love to have you join us for good food and good chatting. Questions? […]
All are welcome to attend anytime. Developmental/In-Depth Topics on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom Board Business Meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00-8:00 p.m. PT via Zoom
Pondering the BIG Questions WUUC Small Group. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Friday's of every month from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (noon) via Zoom. Contact Terry Santmann.
TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Fri) - Unstructured discussion about whatever topic comes up among whoever might show up. This discussion group is open to all. It is hosted by Dewey Millar ( It meets Friday, 5:00 – 6:30 pm . The Zoom link below is the same for each meeting:
Building the World We Dream About is an adult Lifelong Learning program that will be offered this fall at WUUC as four half-day workshops. The series will provide the opportunity for our community to engage with the tangled knot of privilege, oppression, and identity within a sacred, covenantal space held by experienced facilitators. Everyone is […]
Music Circle will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. in Ditzler Hall. You are invited to bring your voice, your drums, your guitars or whatever instruments you want for impromptu music making. Bring music if you want, or just jump in any way you can and have some fun […]
We're going to have our Game Gathering on Saturday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We had almost two dozen people reply with interest in playing games, cards, or puzzles, and this is the date that seems to work for the largest number of respondents. We'd love to have lots of people show […]
By Jane Flood Since 1988, LGBTQ+ people have celebrated National Coming Out Day. It is a day to celebrate the power and joy of living openly as ourselves. It is a day to celebrate the strength of community. It is a day to celebrate not just coming out, but letting people in. Come celebrate National […]
WRITE POSTCARDS, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Looking for ways to have an impact on the November elections? You have multiple options! If you can't make one of the parties contact John Hartman ( and he will deliver a postcard writing kit to you. The Eco Connection Task Force has organized a postcard writing campaign to defeat […]
Sunny Days is an online discussion group. This is an informal hour of time together. Our group is small - usually 3 - 4 regulars and some drop-ins. We welcome everyone. Just a time to chat, catch up on the week, share challenges and get support. It meets Sunday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jean Fowler […]