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Community Conversations (s)

April 16, 2023 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Our next Community Conversations will take place on:

 Tuesday, April 11th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm via Zoom and
 Sunday, April 16th, in person 11:30-1:00 pm in the sanctuary. 

This is the Zoom link for Tuesday evening.


Please see the guiding questions for these conversations included at the end of this post below.

 An Invitation to Participate in Community Conversations

You are invited to participate in thoughtful community conversations with fellow WUUCies and friends. If you are yearning for authentic conversations about WUUC and the larger world, please join us. These conversations are a church-wide program in support of the 2023 WUUC Board goal to:  Foster the development of healthier congregational communication and interactions, aiming to grow mutual understanding among a diversity of perspectives and beliefs represented and build a community where all belong together.

These sessions will be an open format where everyone will have the opportunity to share what’s on your heart and mind. In this initial phase, each session will also include reflection on how we have been communicating at WUUC, and what kinds of conversations (as individuals and as a community) we want to build towards together. As we share our stories and our needs, we can build our relationships with each other.   You are invited to attend one or as many sessions as you would like.

These conversations will be moderated by a team of facilitators including Lindsay Rogers, Pam Green, and Dottie Simpson with Board liaisons Jan Radoslovich, Terry Santmann and Leslie Morton substituting as needed.

The intention of our moderators is to assist the group in creating conversations:

  1. Where participants can share and discuss what is on their minds…
  2. in a courageous, loving space that is experienced as safe, welcoming, and productive.

Note that additional conversations are scheduled for April 23rd (in-person) and April 26th (Zoom) specifically for discussion of the proposed Article II amendments.

What happens to information shared in these conversations?  These conversations begin with the assumption that what is shared will be held in confidence unless explicitly released from the group’s covenant of confidentiality. Each session will also end with a brief opportunity to reflect on what happened in the conversation, where folks are now, any intentions folks have for further conversations or actions, and any requests to the group for release from the confidentiality restrictions for particular parts of the conversation.

Please join us!
Lindsay, Pam, and Dottie

Guiding Questions:

If you are speaking from a place of pain or hurt, please be specific about the nature of the problem as you see it and what it would look like for you to have resolution. What can the congregation do to help you heal?

  1. What is bringing you to church these days?
    a. What do you see as reasons to celebrate being a WUUCy?
  2. What is keeping you from coming to church?
    a. What would need to change for you to return more regularly?
  3. How would you rate the strength of our community
    a. What factors are you considering when determining your  response?
    b. Are you aware of long-time members leaving WUUC? If so, what are  your impressions on why they left?
  4. What is your impression of the number of volunteers we have to support our services, programs, and leadership?
    a. Do we have too many, not enough, or the right number of folks volunteering at church to make us a vibrant congregation?
    b. If we do not have the right number of volunteers, what do you suggest we do?
  5. Are there any past traumas within WUUC that you personally experienced or are aware of that you think we still need to resolve? Please share with us what resolution would look like for you.


April 16, 2023
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Ditzler Hall