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Community Conversations (z)
May 24, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Our next Community Conversations will take place on:
Thursday, May 11th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. via Zoom and
Wednesday, May 24th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. via zoom
Zoom info will be sent out via announce email is and the link is also below:
Community Conversations Takeaways
Main takeaway – a disagreement on an issue is not a rejection of the whole person. We care about each other and we will be there for each other.
We started Community Conversations again in January 2023 to give WUUC members/friends a place and opportunity to have thoughtful community conversations with fellow WUUC members/friends. We wanted to provide an open format – all having the opportunity to share what is on their hearts and minds. We are doing both Zoom and in-person sessions.
We have had two facilitators at each session – air traffic controllers, not pilots of the conversations. Many participants were coming to multiple sessions, so relationships have been building through this process and willingness to share authentically and honestly has increased as we bonded over time. The facilitators are Pam Green, Lindsay Rogers, and Dottie Simpson, with guidance/support from Board members Leslie Morton, Terry Santmann, and Jan Radoslovich.
In the last two sessions, we focused on some key questions concerning the “WE” of this congregation.
What does “WE” mean to you?
Who is “WE” at WUUC?
What does it look like when “WE” are living in right relationship?
Through these many sessions, we have built an understanding that there is a diversity of perspectives, beliefs, and opinions in our congregation, AND yet we all yearn for acceptance, for valuing of the relationships despite the disagreements. Disagreement does not equal conflict. We are creating a joyful and inclusive spiritual community that is growing in acceptance of our diversity and supporting each other’s life journeys through participating in Community Conversations and other group conversation opportunities. There are no simple answers to the “WE” questions. But WE must continue to strive for awareness, inclusiveness, and belonging in all we do as a church community. People will put their own spin on what we say but they will remember how they feel about the interaction.
WE are collectively responsible for the WUUC culture that results when WE are living in right relationship. If you feel disaffected, disconnected, discouraged, or disengaged, the Community Conversations facilitators urge you to seek help and support from WUUC resources: Lay Pastoral Associates, R&R Team (for conflict resolution), Board Members, and Minister. We also have a Care and Concerns Team and other support groups who are available to assist as well. Reach out and ask for what you need!
Due to conflicts with the church calendar, our next Community Conversations will both be held on Zoom. The dates are Thursday, May 11th, 7-8:30 pm and Wednesday, May 24th 7-8:30 pm.
In Community,
Dottie, Lindsay, and Pam