March 16 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Fund Drive/Creativity encompasses activities that transcend mystery and wonder – basic experiences that renew our spirit and build community. Creativity was essential in building our church – the creative vision of what WUUC could be. It also keeps our church young, as each new generation puts their own style into the facilities and the community. Now we ask – could a project have been completed if individuals only did 25% of the work? It is possible, but only if they work together. However, working cooperatively comes with risks. We have to trust the others in our group. We have to be prepared to accept imperfection. We have to be willing to give up control of certain aspects of the project. Come join the Worship Team as we continue exploring creativity. This service will be focused on how, when working in a small group, we can create something special and unexpected.
The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here.
Meeting ID: 940 3686 1969
For audio only, call: 253-215-8782