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WUUC Kids’ Event

October 9, 2022 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Hi, Come join us for in-person fun together on Sunday, October 9th right after service and socializing time.

What: We will be playing with air-dry clay to make crafts to take home: Halloween monsters, holiday mini-decor, dinosaurs, flowers, characters from your favorite stories, whatever your imagination can create.

When: Oct 9th 11:30-12:30 p.m.

Who: Families with kids 2-12 years old.

Where: Either in the Nursery or outside in the play yard.

Why: To build connections and community!! 😀

How: Come all together (it’s a family event, not a drop-off).  If you have an overlapping church activity, you are welcome to drop off your kid with the understanding that you will stay on church grounds for your activity and that you will arrange to have your kiddo signed out by you, or another parent, before 12:30 so that I can clean up quickly after.

Please RSVP to ikeadaj@comcast.net

I can’t wait to catch up with all of you while we play and create together.
~Jen Ikeda


October 9, 2022
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:

