Got Questions?
Does WUUC have a plan to reopen among the Covid-19 virus?
- We are currently open for both in-person and online worship. As of February 19, 2023, masking is now optional for all in person church activities. We strongly encourage masking while singing.
How do I find out who to contact to visit a program or committee?
- Check out the WUUC Calendar
How can I get more information about what’s happening at WUUC?
- Get added to an email list.
- Members and friends will get sent an email version of the newsletter automatically every month.
- The green inserts in worship service programs have detailed information about all the happenings for the upcoming week.
- Watch the bulletin board areas in the lobby for announcements and sign up sheets.
How can I help make WUUC better?
- Volunteer your time to help in the working of the church.
- Shop through designated channels and a percentage of funds go to WUUC.
What if I want to host an event?
- Fundraisers need to be cleared with and scheduled through Stewardship
- Check policies on what type of fundraising events are allowed at the church.
- Locations/times should be scheduled through the office at
Don’t see your question here?
- Email the office at