Minister Musings


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Introduction to Theme for June: Joy

“Joy is not in the circumstance, but in the response. The sun rises every day, like it or not. Being entranced by it is a choice.” Rev. Peggy Clark. Peggy’s life and ministry is all about justice. Every kind of justice from climate justice to racial justice to...

The Transformative Value of Vacation

The sun and warm temperatures arrived not a second too soon. Both the clergy and lay leaders are exhausted. The political anxiety in the country and in the world has taken its toll. We want respite, a time out, reassurance, and renewed perspectives. We want a break...

Theme for May: Embodiment

Embodiment. How does each of us inhabit, embody, our bodies? Do you know anyone who actually likes their body just the way it is? Every day and in every way, we are literally assaulted by unrealistic images of what the ideal male or female body should look like in...

Moving Deeper into a Community of Faith

“A leader is someone in whose presence, other leaders are born.” It took me years to learn this and to understand that leadership did not mean doing everything that needs to be done. Leaders delegate. Leaders listen as well as speak. Leaders empower others to bring...

Let’s Resist the Pace of Mainstream Culture

This sabbatical took me from Auschwitz in Poland to the rock and sands of Death Valley. From a Buddhist monastery in Trout Lake, Washington to the stunning and empty beaches of Molokai. Then to the desert lands of New Mexico that Georgia O’Keefe inhabited. It has been...



Transformation can come with suddenness and fire and it can come gently and gradually. It can work on you long after the watershed moment: that time which delineates who we were prior to an event from what we have become after an event. We are changed, expanded,...