Minister Musings


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Ministers Musings: November 2022

Ministers Musings: November 2022

Feeling the Energy Greetings WUUC community, After a slow and restful summer, we had our Ingathering service back in September. And, although this was when we kicked off our church year officially, I'm really starting to feel the momentum of our community picking up...

Minister’s Musings

Minister’s Musings

Challenges and Opportunities Dear WUUC Community, This is quite a time for our community. As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, the world looks and feels much different than it did before. The old ways of “doing church” are changing to respond to our changing...

A Time to Rest: July 22 Minister’s Musings

A Time to Rest: July 22 Minister’s Musings

Dear WUUC Community, As the 2021-22 church year came to a close in June, it would seem like a natural next step to turn our attention to the coming year, and focus on getting the 2022-23 church year started. But before we do that, just wait a second. Pause. Breathe. I...

Minister’s Musings: It’s About Connection, not Perfection

Minister’s Musings: It’s About Connection, not Perfection

Dear WUUC Community, Last month, our Worship Team collaborated with the folks at Evergreen UU Fellowship in Marysville to do a collaborative service honoring Easter and Passover. It went well, and I think everyone involved learned a lot by shaking things up and doing...

The Truth of our Feelings

The Truth of our Feelings

Dear WUUC Community, Well, it finally happened again. When I arrived here in Woodinville in August of 2020, I heard that our Black Lives Matter sign had been defaced, destroyed, or disappeared a number of times prior to my arrival. However, since my ministry here...