Minister Musings
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Minister’s Musings Nov: We Can Choose Goodness
Hello WUUC Community, I keep hearing (and only halfway in jest) that folks are done with 2020; that we’ve already faced more than a year’s worth of corruption, destruction, oppression, depression, cancellation, and frustration. And not only have we been dealt a...
Minister’s Musings: The Heart of Community
Greetings, WUUC, Time is playing tricks on me. In some ways, I can hardly believe another month has gone by, and October is already upon us. But when I look back at September, some of what occurred early in the month seems so long ago, because so much has happened...
Minister’s Musings: Where Do You Find Renewal?
Hello Woodinville Unitarian Universalist Church! It is so good to (finally!) be here with you all! It has been quite a transition for my family and me over the last few months. Since being called as your settled minister back in May, we have been packing our house,...
Dear Ones, Each person and thing we have loved leaves its mark on us, and we on it. We forever become part of one another, affecting each other in ways that often continue to unfold for years. Even when we will not see each other anymore, this remains. As does the...
In the Interim: Cultivating Gratitude for What Went Before
Dear Ones, Our theme for the month of May is Thresholds. Thresholds are powerful places where we cross from one thing to another. We have thresholds in our homes, in our congregations, and in our lives. At WUUC you’re at one threshold as you begin to say goodbye to...
In the Interim: When Plans Fall Apart
By Reverend Diana L. SmithDear Ones, The last few days of February and first days of March brought new plan after new plan and change after change. As soon as we thought we had a plan that would be protective we’d find we needed a new plan – sometimes a couple times a...