Children & Youth Programs
Learn more about our programs for children on Sundays, by clicking below:
Sunday Worship
for Children

Here at WUUC, child and youth safety is a priority of our ministry team and religious education committee. Our teachers and staff are background checked and sign a code of ethics, our teachers undergo yearly training on emergency procedures and policies, and we have healthy mandatory child-adult ratios.
Preschool to 5th Grade:
Our Sunday curriculum for younger children broadly mirrors the topics covered in the adult curriculum Soul Matters. Each month we focus on a new topic and give our children the opportunity to engage in meaningful activities around these activities through the lens of Unitarian Universalism. Discussions, art projects, stories, movement, even service project help children to better understand their world and the place they have in it.
Junior (Grades 6-8) and Senior Youth Groups (Grades 9-12)
Since the pandemic, we have been struggling with staffing issues that have taken a toll on our Youth programs. That said, we are in planning now to return to offering some of the same kinds of activities we did pre-2020:
Juniors: They will use two of the same curriculum as the elementary students, with adaptations to make them more relevant and interesting to older students. One curriculum, called CartUUns utilizes short Disney and Pixar films to explore spiritual and ethical issues. Another curriculum called Books and Cooks explores various cultures through story and food. Junior youth will also have an opportunities to participate in monthly social justice actions with the Sr. Youth group and adult members of our social justice ministries.
- Once each month senior youth will be participating in a social justice project with junior youth and adult members from one of the justice ministries at WUUC.
- One weekend per month students will have the opportunity to attend an online youth conference with other youth from all over the western region
- Once per month, students will gather online to play games and hang out together.
- And finally, once a month we will be offering the Coming of Age program for youth in grades 9-11, while the seniors will have their own class to explore topics that will be useful to them as they prepare for bridging and entering adulthood.