
Men’s Breakfast [os]

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Men of all ages gather to converse and eat breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Hagen's Supermarket in Woodinville. Eat breakfast, drink coffee, talk about whatever comes up. It's the most fun you can have on a cold, wet Saturday morning. This is a men's group for WUUC; […]


Membership Classes

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This short-form class is a crash course covering UUism in general as well as church and community structure at WUUC. Pre-registration is required. Newly joined members or regulars are welcome to attend. If you are interested in attending, please talk to Kate Smith, Ann Lu, or Marcia Sprang. Happening at Katherine Smith's house on Sunday, […]


Circle Supper [os]

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Sign up now for Circle Supper to be hosted by Jan Radoslovich on Saturday, March 15. Circle Supper’s are potlucks held at a different community member’s house each month. Find the link to the signup sheet sent via the announce email list or email Anyone who wants to attend can put their name down […]


WUUC Nonfiction Book Club

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Hello Readers! Please join the WUUC Nonfiction Book Club for a discussion of The Woman Behind the New Deal by Kirstin Downey. Saturday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m. Steph Young will host us at her home. To RSVP, please add your name and intended contribution to the potluck meal here. We hope to see you there! […]

Interfaith Choir Festival

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Come one, Come all!! You are cordially invited to the Interfaith Choir Festival, Sunday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bear Creek United Methodist Church. Our choir will join several other local choirs to entertain you with inspiring choral music. All choirs will be conducted by our own Matt Smith. The "Emerald City Voices", […]


Golden Girls Lunch (os)

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- Stephana Ditzler All ladies are cordially invited to join the Golden Girls Thursday, December 19 at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and fine conversion at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse. The address is 7211 – 166th Ave NE, Redmond. We will be eating together at a table in their back room busily getting to know each other better. An […]


Circle Lunch (os)

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Circle Supper is turning into Circle Lunch! If you would like to attend Circle LUNCH, now is the time to sign up. We’ve switched to lunch for this month to try to accommodate people for whom night time driving is a problem or who just don’t want to stay up and/or eat late in the […]


Flash Stance [os]

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 East Shore Unitarian Church's Black Lives Matter Flash Stance is held every Sunday at rotating locations on the eastside. Every 5th Sunday of the month), it will be held in downtown Woodinville, on the corner of 175th and Garden in front of Jamba Juice. Show your support by joining them! Bring a sign and wear […]

Auction Item: Bakery Bop South

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Tevina and Jane Flood If you like trying new foods and have a love-love relationship with all things baked, come along on a tour of local bakeries.  We will provide transportation to 5 different bakeries east of Lake Washington each specializing in different international delights.  We'll pick a few things for the group to try, […]

Auction Item: Vegan Indian Dinner – Sept 7

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Pamela & Chris Denchfield Home-made vegan Indian dinner, with little to zero oil added. Can be made gluten-free with other modifications as needed. Inspired by Seattle cookbook author Richa Hingle. See

Auction Item: Come Fry With Me

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Tevina and Jane Flood Come Fry With Me, Come Fry, Come Fry Away... The only thing that could have made manna from heaven better was if it had come deep fat fried.  You can fry literally anything and someone probably has.  If you're curious about the possibilities, perhaps you'd like to come on a tour […]

Auction Item: Chili Cook Off – Bring Your Best!

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Holly & Larry Beck We will need contestants to bring their best chili and judges to choose their favorites! Prizes will be awarded for the Best Meat Chili, the Best Vegetarian Chili. Those into chili bring chili to be shared and rated by all.  Event open to those who will bring their chili and to […]

WUUC Campout

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WUUC's 2024 Summer campout! It's almost time to go camping with WUUC!  The campout is the last weekend in July, at Deception Pass State Park.  Did you not make a reservation?  There may still be campsites available!  Contact Jack Brand if you are interested, at The campout is the longest-running activity at WUUC.  It's […]

Auction Item: Dinner with Cascades View

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Marcia and Kermit Sprang Join us for dinner and a view of the Snohomish Valley. We will serve salmon, hamburgers, assorted vegetables and fruits of the season, and other tasty treats. We will dine outside, weather permitting. The kitchen is gluten free and soy free. The 12 highest bidders will win seats. July 20, 2024, […]

Auction Item: Hot Diggity Dogs

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Jane and Sinjin Flood Looking for a highbrow lowbrow evening that's fun for the whole family?  Jane and Sinjin would like to share their "gourmet" hot dog options with you.  Perfected over many years, they can offer Hawaiian Dogs, Pizza Dogs, Cuban Dogs, Reuben Dogs, and many more.  If you're more of a purist, you […]