
Cottage Lake AA Meeting [p2]

Portable 2

Cottage Lake AA Meetings. Tuesday evenings from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Portable 2. Email office to get in touch with coordinator.


Dungeons & Dragons

Portable 2

Dungeons & Dragons Group at WUUC led by John Gamble meeting Sundays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Portable 2.

Future of RE Meeting

Portable 2

Meeting to discuss the future of Religious Education (RE) here at WUUC. Who: Anyone interested in RE What: Discussion on the current and future status of RE When: Sunday 6/4,12pm Where: Portable 2

Improv as Spiritual Practice [p2]

Portable 2

Bridget Laflin, wearing her Congregational Intern hat, will teach a 10-session class called "Improv as Spiritual Practice." Improvisational Comedy (Improv) has become incredibly popular over the past several years as a form of entertainment and as a way for actors to build their skills.  If you've ever seen Theater Sportz or Unexpected Productions or Jet City […]

Deep Dives with the Minister [p2]

Portable 2

Deep Dive with the Minister: Gather for a group discussion with Rev. Diana to explore a topic related to our monthly theme in more detail. Today: Transitions.

Canceled: Community Conversations [p2]

Portable 2

This event is canceled per health department recommendations. Join Hilarie Cash and D.D. Hilke for an open, evolving Community Conversation at 11:30 a.m. today in Portable 2. The moderators intend to encourage conversations where participants share what’s on their minds in a space that is experienced as safe, welcoming and productive by participants. Feel free […]

Canceled: 8-9th OWL Closing Celebration [p2]

Portable 2

This event has been canceled in keeping with recommendations from the Seattle & King County and the Washington Department of Health. Bridget is working on virtual options.