Ditzler Hall
Pre-Auction Decoration Creation Party
Ditzler HallThe WUUC Auction team is hosting a decor creation party at the church in Ditzler Hall Sunday, October 20 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. We need people to help us paint posters. Acrylic paint. All supplies provided - we need labor! No skills required. Email Mary Alexander if you’re interested, would like more information or […]
Kimbrough Cafe
Ditzler HallCelebrate the return of Kimbrough Cafe, a fun evening for our WUUC community to enjoy wonderful live music and delicious food. This will be our 8th annual event! Saturday, October 12th. Doors open at 6:00. Show starts at 6:30. Food and music from our talented WUUC volunteers will reflect our theme of Rainbow Connection. Be […]
Kimborough Cafe Setup
Ditzler HallSetup for Kimborough Cafe.
Kimborough Cafe Rehearsal
Ditzler HallGame Gathering
Ditzler HallWe're going to have our Game Gathering on Saturday, October 5 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We had almost two dozen people reply with interest in playing games, cards, or puzzles, and this is the date that seems to work for the largest number of respondents. We'd love to have lots of people show […]
Music Rehearsal
Ditzler HallMusic rehearsal for Sunday Service
Walking as a Spiritual Practice
Ditzler HallBy Kathy Fosnaugh, Cora Goss-Grubbs From months' long pilgrimages to walking a labyrinth for 15 minutes; from hiking an epic mountain trail to mindfully leading the dog around the block, walking can be a spiritual experience. WUUC members will share what walking means to them and how it contributes to their lives. The link to […]
Terry Rehearsal
Ditzler HallMini rehearsal for ingathering
Ditzler HallMini rehearsal for ingathering service on September 8
Emerald City Voices Concert
Ditzler HallEmerald City Voices Concert Emerald City Voices, With Meadowlark Quartet, present Summer Showcase! Come see what we've been working on this summer! Join us for an evening of fabulous music, good friends, tasty treats, and help us raise money for Hopelink! A free-will donation is encouraged. Delicious baked goods will also be available! 5 p.m. […]
Emerald City Voice Practice
Ditzler HallEmerald City Voice Practice
Rehearsals for Speech Choir
Ditzler HallRehearsals for Speech Choir performing on Sunday, July 14.
Special Emergency July Blood Drives
Ditzler HallSpecial Pop-Up Blood Drive at WUUC for Bloodworks Northwest. BloodWorks has asked us to host a couple of additional last minute emergency blood drives. Current blood supplies are very low - see here: https://www.bloodworksnw.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjws560BhCuARIsAHMqE0ExW1MqQtfdbwPV1QOgb8XrnLsox7UMEUEowf-qljv9BUvhtRoexMAaAuMBEALw_wcB&nab=0 WUUC has agreed to host 2 drives - Monday July 8 and Friday July 12. Please be a donor if you can - […]
An Evening with Lifelong Climate Activist Bill McKibben
Ditzler HallWUUC's Eco Connection Task Force is sponsoring a watch party at Ditzler Hall at 7:00 p.m. on July 2. Bill McKibben- long time climate activist- will be speaking at the United Methodist Church in Seattle. We will be sharing the evening via Zoom. Here's more information about the event. Third Act Washington (TAWA) presents author, […]
Congregational Meeting to Vote on Budget & Elected Leadership Positions
Ditzler HallThe WUUC Board of Trustees has set a meeting of the congregation for Sunday, June 23 immediately following the service for the following purposes: Vote on the proposed 2024-2025 budget Vote to fill vacant church governance positions for the 2024-2025 church year Questions? E-mail board@wuuc.org or contact any Board member.