Ditzler Hall
Harmony for Hope concert takedown
Ditzler Hallby 5pm and have a short setup and sound check, letting audience in by 6:30. The concert should be over before 9, and we'll will be all torn down and out by 9:30 at the latest, but probably by 9:15 or even earlier.
Harmony for Hope Concert Setup
Ditzler HallTown Hall: Budget & Candidates
Ditzler HallTopics include: The proposed budget for the next fiscal year; The candidates proposed by the nominating committee for the Board and other committees. This is also the time to nominate other candidates if anyone wishes to do so;
Janet Putnam – student oboe recital
Ditzler HallJanet Putnam - student oboe recital, private event.
Piano Recital
Ditzler HallPrivate Piano Recital
PreK Graduation
Ditzler HallWoodinville County Day School PreK Graduation 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Article II Discussion Session (s)
Ditzler HallArticle II Discernment & Dialogue sessions facilitated by Rev. Dan Lillie. This is the first of two 2-hour sessions offered: Coming up soon, there will be two opportunities to learn about and discuss the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws: Sunday 4/23, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. ( in person in at WUUC […]
Community Conversations (s)
Ditzler HallOur next Community Conversations will take place on: Tuesday, April 11th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm via Zoom and Sunday, April 16th, in person 11:30-1:00 pm in the sanctuary. This is the Zoom link for Tuesday evening. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87199174509?pwd=ZWxpZ2JYRDZLSE40TzRRa3g1R28ydz09 Please see the guiding questions for these conversations included at the end of this post below. An […]
Town Hall Meeting on Budget
Ditzler HallCongregational Town Hall Meeting after the service to go over the initial Budget review.
Fireside Chat with Monica Guzman
Ditzler HallJoin Mónica Guzmán, author of I Never Thought of It That Way, as she chats with Rev. Dan Lillie about the important role that curiosity can play in healing our divided nation, our communities, and even our families. The public conversation will be followed by a Q & A with Mónica. Join a Curiosity Cluster! […]
Anne Evans Memorial Service [s]
Ditzler HallMemorial Service for Anne Evans 1:30-3:30. 3:30 - 4:30 Takedown event
Setup for memorial service [s]
Ditzler HallSetup and takeodwn for memorial service of Anne Evans
Pop Up Blood Drive
Ditzler HallBloodWorks has declared a Code Red Emergency due to critically low blood supplies - see here: https://www.bloodworksnw.org/ WUUC is answering the call by hosting 2 extra blood drives next week on Thursday and Friday. Please consider being a donor if you can. Here's how to reach the signup sheets. Book a Blood Donation Appointment