Ditzler Hall, Library & Foyer
Auction Set-Up [s,L]
Ditzler Hall, Library & FoyerWUUC Rummage Sale
Ditzler Hall, Library & FoyerFind your treasures and necessities Friday and Saturday, April 22-23, at WUUC's long-awaited All-Church Rummage Sale. All manner of finds will be available from toys and clothes to tools, bikes, jewelry and more. We will even have a boutique section for one-of-a-kind finds. Committee members are still needed (plenty of short term tasks). To volunteer, […]
Rummage Sale Set-Up [s,L,f]
Ditzler Hall, Library & FoyerHere is the link so people can sign up to help with the rummage sale. http://vols.pt/vuEQGS Start Cleaning out your Closets! The WUUC Rummage Sale is coming April 22-23rd. Donations can be dropped off Sunday April 17th after the Sunday service. Committee Members still needed for a variety of tasks, including set up […]
Rummage Sale Set-Up [s,L,f]
Ditzler Hall, Library & FoyerWhy did I call it the All Church Rummage Sale? Because it is for all of us, by all of us. It's our second biggest fund raiser of the year; usually around $6000 but last year was over $7000! This money goes toward the cost of running the church so we can have church! We […]