4 events found.
Ditzler Hall & Portable 2
Events at this venue
Community Conversation (s,p2)
Ditzler Hall & Portable 2An invitation to participate in community conversation You are invited to participate in thoughtful community conversations with fellow WUUCcies and friends. If you are yearning for authentic conversations about WUUC and the larger world, please join us. These will be an open format where everyone will have the opportunity to share what’s on your heart […]
Fuller Center Housing Bicycle Adventure [p2,s]
Ditzler Hall & Portable 2Portable 2 1:30-5 p.m. Sunday Sanctuary 5 p.m. Sunday-whenever Monday
Kimbrough Cafe [s,k]
Ditzler Hall & Portable 2An Enchanted Evening Kimbrough Café! Saturday, October 7 Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Music starts at 7 p.m. Admission $15 A fun evening with friends and family, food and beverages, wonderful music. Kimbrough Cafe Volunteer Sign-Up