Ditzler Hall & Zoom
What Keeps You Here?
Ditzler Hall & ZoomThree long-time WUUC members will speak about the things that sustain their membership...the qualities that keep them coming back. Steve Jung will wrap up by noting the common themes that they touched on and the implications for all of us. The link to join the Zoom Meeting online service at 10 a.m. is here. https://bit.ly/wuucworship […]
Choir Rehearsal [s,z]
Ditzler Hall & ZoomRehearsal for WUUC Choir. Email Choir Director Matt Smith for more information.
Transgender Day of Visibility
Ditzler Hall & ZoomBy Jane Flood Fund Drive/March 31 is the 16th year Anniversary for International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV). The last few years have been challenging for the LGBTQ+ community, especially for transgender folks. Join Jane Flood, Ann Lu, and Jean Fowler as we unpack the impacts of the recent anti-transgender legislative efforts both nationally and […]