Ditzler Hall & Zoom
Online Auction Training
Ditzler Hall & ZoomService of Remembrance
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie In this service of reflection and gratitude, we remember our friends and loved ones who have passed away.
Who’s With Me?
Ditzler Hall & Zoom– Reverend Dan Lillie The pandemic showed us that our church is not a building, our church is the people: we are the church! Unfortunately, the pandemic also depleted many of our programs and opportunities for involvement. Time to re-envision, reengage, and rebuild. Who's with me? The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service […]
The Nature of Courage
Ditzler Hall & Zoom"What is courage? Is it simply being brave or unafraid? Join Jean and Jane as they explore the nature of courage, how it shows up in unexpected places, and how we can live courageous life." The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service at 10 a.m. is here. https://bit.ly/3BblPUZ Webinar ID: 913 6548 4659 […]
Theme for the Year: Curiosity
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie Like many Unitarian Universalist congregations, we use monthly themes to guide our worship services. This year, we are also going to have a Theme for the Year: Curiosity. How might adopting a lens of curiosity change the way we see, understand, and respond to what happens to us and around us? […]
Faith in Action- Justice and Service Work
Ditzler Hall & ZoomWUUC members - justice testimonials "Faith in Action" How does the free and responsible search for truth and meaning call us as practical theologians to express through our works of justice and service the ultimate meaning of our faith? The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service at 10 a.m. is here. https://bit.ly/3BblPUZ Webinar […]
Service of Remembrance
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie In this service of reflection and gratitude, we remember our friends and loved ones who have passed away. The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service at 10 a.m. is here. https://bit.ly/3BblPUZ Webinar ID: 913 6548 4659 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782 A Virtual Coffee Hour will be held at 11 […]
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Rachel Eddy Join Rachel Eddy, our Earth-based Worship Lead, in observing Mabon, the pagan celebration of the autumnal equinox. The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service at 10 a.m. is here. https://bit.ly/3eKmdlK Webinar ID: 913 6548 4659 For audio only, call: 253-215-8782 A Virtual Coffee Hour will be held at 11 a.m. […]
Who’s With Me?
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie The pandemic showed us that our church is not a building, our church is the people: we are the church! So let's decide what we want to do and create together, and then let's get to it. Who's with me? The link to join the Zoom Webinar online service at 10 […]
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie Come celebrate our annual ingathering service, where we mark the beginning of another church year together. And don't forget to bring water from your summer adventures for our Water Communion ceremony. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/91365484659 Webinar ID: 913 6548 4659 For audio only, […]
WUUC Poetry Group
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Pamela Denchfield Hear inspired works from members of the WUUC Poetry Group. Currently facilitated by Pamela Denchfield and friend of the church Meriaten Long, this group explores forms of poetry together. Kick back, relax, and give your ears a treat with lovingly packaged words from folks you know, and some you might not as […]
A Brief Introduction to Unitarian Universalism
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Reverend Dan Lillie Questions of meaning and purpose led me to Unitarian Universalism as a young adult, and finding this faith tradition led to even more questions! I am still learning about Unitarian Universalism, but I know more than I did 13 years ago when I entered my first UU church. Whether you have […]
Joyful Noise
Ditzler Hall & Zoom- Michael Lawson Join WUUC’s own Joyful Noise musicians for this much loved, music-filled, annual worship highlight – including the request a hymn sing-along! Raise your voice in song. Make a joyful noise. Come and let the spirit move you. For the sing along, the congregation choses their favorite hymns from a list. Here's the […]
Worship Team Retreat, [s,z]
Ditzler Hall & ZoomWUUC Social Hour
Ditzler Hall & ZoomAre you disappointed because you were unable to go camping this weekend, and would like an opportunity to socialize with the other WUUC members? Or are you looking for a spiritual home, and would like a chance to meet some friendly WUUC members, have some coffee and treats, and tour our building and grounds when […]