Mending Our Spirits


 – Reverend Dan Lillie The process of healing isn't about returning to how things were before the pain or loss occurred. It's about honestly acknowledging our feelings, creating a "new normal" for what life is like after the loss, and making meaning from the experience. Let's explore ways to mend our spirits. The link to […]

WUUC Virtual Auction


WUUC 2020 Auction Fundraiser & Party Quark's Speakeasy, a Zoom Soiree Nov. 14-21 Preview night, Nov. 14,  7-8 p.m., live (Zoom)- introduction of the virtual auction (SIMPLE auction website info/instructions), -- plus our Auctioneers, Rob Katz & John Villasenor, will open bidding for one live auction item (test run for Nov. 21) Virtual auction, Nov. […]

Holding Space


– Reverend Dan Lillie Can we take a moment just to breathe? Let's focus on our complicated feelings, and the discomfort that comes from sitting with the uncertainty of what happens next now that the election is over. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540    […]

Whose We Are: All Souls Day of Remembrance


– Reverend Dan Lillie With a Reflection by Erika Jackson Kirkendall We are shaped by the lives who have touched our own. Let us remember those who have passed away, but who live on in us. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: Meeting ID: 986 9136 9540     Password: 659909


Mini Worship Service [z]


Prior to the regular service, at 9:30 a.m., we’ll hold a Mini-Worship, a brief, interactive service aimed at children. All are welcome to attend. The link to join the Mini-Service is: Meeting ID: 867 4430 7694 Passcode: 399827 For audio only, call 1 253 215 8782

Even Though …


– Rev. Dan Lillie We are definitely living in difficult times. But even though anxiety, anger, and fear are present, can we lift up the blessings in our lives without minimizing the pain of this moment?