Meet ALICE: The Face of Poverty in Snohomish County [z]
Zoom– Rachel Eddy Public discourse around economic policy often evokes limited ideas of who to view as poor, while those who directly serve people experiencing poverty often have a very different understanding of their needs and experience. Join us for a trauma-informed exploration of generation poverty, its effects, and policy implications. The link to join […]
RE Committee [z]
ZoomWUUC Town Hall [z]
ZoomProposal to participate in co-ordination of Minister Dan on Oct. 4.
Shame and Rage
Zoom– Cora Goss-Grubbs, WUUC Member The work of anti-oppression evokes a wide range of difficult emotions - anger, guilt, grief, anxiety, fear - making it challenging, exhausting, and sometimes impossible. Cora Goss-Grubbs will share a personal story and the ideas of trauma specialists to guide us in exploring how we might advance our anti-racism work […]
Service Canceled:
ZoomBecause of Westside Church's Zoom participation limits, WUUC's participation in this service has been canceled. We will hold a Compassionate Connection Zoom meeting at 10 a.m. for those seeking connection. The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83864423061?pwd=aCsvZ29ZS0pSL2swb0srRG5ndUNlZz09 Meeting ID: 838 6442 3061 Password: 288910 Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) […]
The Convergence of Science and Religion
Zoom– Chuck Fowler The common ground of science and religion is often claimed to be reality. The complexity of reality is acknowledged in both cases. However, the holism of religion and the particularity of science seem to prevent unity and often cause discord. In this service, Chuck Fowler will share his story of seeing a […]
Welcoming Congregation Team Meeting [z]
ZoomThe Welcoming Congregation committee works to affirm and honor WUUC’s commitment to be welcoming of those with marginalized sexual or affectional orientations or identities, marginalized genders or gender identities, and marginalized family or relationship identities and structures. We welcome all who would like to join us in this work! Our next meeting will be Wednesday, […]
Worship Team [z]
ZoomJoyful Noise
Zoom– WUUC Musicians The “Joyful Noise” service is an annual, music-filled, favorite at WUUC. Joyful Noise musicians take requests to play our favorite hymns. The musicians and tech team are working hard to transcend limitations to bring the “Joyful Noise” service to us in these challenging times – when the power of music is especially […]