Monday Curiosity Cluster
ZoomGrace Simons group for the Curiosity clusters on Mondays at 7:00 pm starting on Mon. 2/27 and expecting to finish on April 17th. For zoom link contact grace or office.
Facilitator Prep: Community Conversation
ZoomFacilitator Prep for Community Conversations at WUUC.
“We [Still] Do Not Have to Think Alike to Love Alike”: Reflections on Evolution in Our Unitarian Universalist Faith Tradition.
Zoom- John Hilke In my talk, I will sketch some of the past contentious times in U.S. Unitarian Universalist circles, including some during my several decades of active involvement in UU congregations. One of my conclusions from these stories and documents is that evolution is not only our part of Unitarian Universalist tradition, but critical […]
Mistakes & Miracles Book Discussion [s,l,z]
ZoomJoin a book group discussion of the UU Common Read for 2022-23, Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism which shares how five diverse congregations encounter frustrations, disappointments, hope and wonder on the journey to create multicultural, antiracist Beloved Community. Copies will be available to borrow from the library if needed. RSVP to the session here.
WUUC Poetry: Michael Magee: Poetry Without Borders
ZoomPoetry Without Borders opens physical, spiritual, geographical, poetical, and social landscapes for the writer to explore. As a launching point to your borderless poem, talk to a stranger. Or collect exchanges from some other casual meeting, real or imagined. It could be with a personality, a writer, or an artist. Maybe someone you'd like to […]
Zoomkeepers Training
ZoomTraining for new Zoomkeepers for Sunday Services
Welcoming Congregations Meeting [z]
ZoomContact Erika Jackson Kirkendall for more info at: erikamjackson@gmail.com
RE Committee Meeting
ZoomGA Sunday Morning Service
Zoom– Leader: Rev. Gretchen Haley, Senior Minister of the Foothills Unitarian Universalist Church in Fort Collins, CO. Additional worship team members includes Rev. Sean Neil-Barron and Shari Halliday-Quan. Streamed UUA General Assembly service. The link to join the online service at 10 a.m. is: https://bit.ly/3PeEcyu Meeting ID: 375 004 5755 For audio only, call: 1-253-215-8782
Board Discussion
ZoomCrossing Paths [z,]
ZoomWUUC is offering a class this year called Crossing Paths as a religious education opportunity for Middle School youth, High School youth and Adults. I would like to invite you to participate as either a facilitator and/or as a class participant. Facilitators may choose to be participants for the sections they are not facilitating. The […]