WUUC 2023-2024 Budget Process – What’s Next?

As of 4/30/23, Kathy Fosnaugh, Stewardship Committee Chair reports that our pledge drive total now stands at $305,977, or almost 94% of our $326,000 goal.

 Below are the next steps in our budget process:

  • The Finance Committee met on April 25th to review current pledge numbers and recommend specific budget adjustments based off recent pledge numbers. The finance Committee will submit these recommendations to the board.
  • The Board will hold a special budget meeting on May 3rd to review the recommendations of the Finance Committee and vote on the proposed budget to present to the congregation.  
  • The Congregational Town Hall where the proposed budget will be presented and discussed is scheduled for Sunday, May 21st following the service.
  • The Congregational Meeting on June 18th is where the proposed budget will be voted on for approval by the congregation, along with voting for elected positions.

If you have specific questions about any aspect of the budget process, please contact Kermit Sprang, WUUC Board Treasurer.