By Grace Simons
WUUC has long supported some Maywood Hills elementary students who are likely to miss meals on weekends, when school meals aren’t available.  We’re currently helping 15 kids every weekend. Many of our members and friends have generously supported the Totes program – it surely takes all of us! 

Donations may be put in the shed on the west side of the building or in the bins across from the kitchen. Hopefully, we’ll be gathering in the building again soon and you’ll be able to get a look at the kinds of things people bring.  We collect individual servings of shelf-stable milk, hot and cold cereal, snacks, fruit, juice, granola bars and 1-dish meals.  We also gather regular sized peanut butter, canned fish & meat, and crackers.  Some of our folks do targeted shopping; some pick up something when they shop for their families.  Every bit helps!

We keep an on-line inventory that I update after I check for new donations. You can check it here

The school is very appreciative of our efforts and we have good communication with a designated staff member there.  We know that hungry kids can’t learn well, and we’re making a difference week by week!  Thanks so much to each of you who’s helped!  Co-coordinators for the Totes program are John Hartman and Grace Simons.  Contact either of us with questions, comments or kudos!