From the WUUC Worship Team
UU’s are a ”people of liberation.” We can profit from interpreting the many holidays that occur during the month of April through our UU traditions.

The Rev. Suzelle Lynch of the Unitarian Universalist Church West in Brookfield, Wisconsin writes, “Our freedom to find inspiration in many different sources is breathtaking and cherished… What it means is
that in our congregation, we are liberated from the tyranny of “one right path.” An atheist might share a hymnal with a person who believes in God as the “spirit of life,” and a humanist might drink coffee after
the service with someone who believes in reincarnation and the power of prayer. A person who finds great comfort in the teachings of Jesus might serve on the Board of Trustees with someone who maintains a steady practice of Buddhist meditation, or one single person might equally value both of these things.”

May you find inspiration in these ideas created from many traditions and sources.

Passover: “We are liberated together and liberation takes time.”
Easter: “Loss and defeat never have the last word. We can be liberated from hopelessness.”
Earth Day: “Saving the Earth is saving us. Our interdependence liberates us.”
Ramadan: “Make room for and remember what matters most. We are liberated from the material into the spiritual world.”

Additionally, in this time of stress caused by the unknown impacts that may be experienced from the COVID – 19 virus, may you experience moments of liberation from the isolation, anxiety and concern you may be feeling.

For spiritual materials on our monthly theme, go to

For spiritual materials on the Sacred Words supplement on Surrender, go to