Adapted by Linda Sherry
from Soul Matters materials
Historically, Unitarians and Universalists were people who believed that God hadn’t given up on us and so we shouldn’t give up on each other or this world.  This has led Unitarian Universalists to being a people of “Why not?”  Why not give people another chance? Why not fight what seems a losing battle? Why not risk a little failure? So that’s our religion.

How open have you been recently to “Why not?” How’s your faith in possibility doing? Trusting possibility isn’t so easy for many of us.

One Soul Matters member offers this: 

“When I think of possibility, I think of all the people and opportunities we close the door on. Such as: ‘I will never see eye to eye with my sister.’ ‘I couldn’t possibly leave this job to start my own business.’  ‘I will never have close friends like I had where I used to live.’  ‘I will never really make a difference, so why bother?’“

Part of it has to do with real life defeats. But often a bigger part of it is about imagined fear and protecting ourselves. There is ironic comfort in convincing yourself that the effort is hopeless; that way you don’t have to try  — and risk failure, hurt or disappointment.  

Embracing Possibility requires us to be willing to endure a few wounds along the way.  It can hurt to be hopeful. So maybe Embracing Possibility has more to do with being a people of vulnerability and courage than we’ve thought.   And having faith in your/our resilience, to get back up and keep moving forward.

So maybe the question this month isn’t, “Are you ready to lean into possibility?” but “Who’s beside you and who are you bringing along?” Who will help keep you inspired when you get discouraged; who will help you up when you fall flat?

After all, no one makes it down the road of possibility alone. It’s not a solo act. For it to sink in — and better yet take flight — it needs to be at least a duet. Of course a quartet is even better. And just imagine what we might pull off if we can gather a choir, all singing the tune of “Why not?!”  and “Yes, We Can!”  at the top of our lungs!

Each month WUUC engages with a theme which is explored in our Worship, in small groups, and hopefully in the minds and hearts of our members and friends.  These themes and groups have been developed as a program called Soul Matters, as a tool for congregational enrichment from the UUA.   September’s theme is: Embracing Possibility.