Written by Tevina Flood,
As the COVID team has adjusted the required safety measures for gatherings, it has now become possible to have potlucks in the sanctuary the way we did before the pandemic. The powers that be have all concurred that this is okay.
I’d like to propose that we hold our first potluck after service on the Sunday following Thanksgiving. While I feel a similar though lesser ambivalence about Thanksgiving as I do about Columbus Day, I am all in favor of Thanksgiving dinner leftovers (Yum!!!) being used to jump-start our potluck resurrection. That way they’ll be no need to agonize about what to cook and bring (although you might be in agony as you contemplate having to share your candied yams or green bean casserole). If, like me you have a qualm about a holiday that is hurtful to some indigenous people, please try to focus on the spirit of gratitude and thankfulness and less on the questionable historical myth.
Having done a potluck at the end of November, I would propose to hold the next post-service potluck on the first Sunday in January and then every first Sunday thereafter.
You may be asking why we should go back to doing these when we already have the monthly Circle Supper potlucks. There are several reasons. Circle Suppers have limited seats available, they aren’t family friendly, they are not necessarily conveniently located, and, for much of the year, they require driving after dark in strange places. As we have younger families join us, it’s important that we find ways to include all of their members, not just the adult members. For those with limited transportation, a potluck just after service is much easier to manage than a special trip to someone’s home.
If you think you might be interested in attending the potluck in the sanctuary, it’d be great if you could go to the link below to let me know. It’ll help me plan if I have a rough idea of how many people might stay after to share food together.
Please send your thoughts and questions to Tevina Flood.